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Specialized Cells and Cell Differentiation

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1 Specialized Cells and Cell Differentiation

2 Do all cells look the same?
Animal Cell Plant Cell

3 Cell Specialization Different cells do different tasks in animals and plants Example: muscle cells different than blood cells Cells in leaves different than cells in roots If cells do different tasks, how will they differ from each other?

4 Cell Specialization Specialized cells have the following to help do their specific jobs: Specific shapes Specific sizes Specific organelles In general, they have different physical and chemical properties

5 Cell Differentiation TWO things must happen during Cell differentiation stem cells receive chemical signal to turn into specialized cells Only a portion of the cell’s DNA (i.e. genes) is activated to turn a cell into a specialized cell ( that is, one set of genes is turned on in one cell type while another set of genes is turned on in another cell type) Not all genes are turned on in any given cell One set of genes is turned on in one cell type while another set of genes is turned on in another cell type.

6 Examples of Specialized Cells
Red blood cells Smooth membrane and rounded shape to pass easily through blood vessels Thin membrane that allows O2 to enter and CO2 to exit

7 Examples of Specialized Cells
Muscle cells Long cells arranged in parallel bundles to contract Contain many mitochondria for energy

8 Examples of Specialized Cells
Sperm Cell Tail used for movement Many mitochondria for energy Nucleus/DNA located in the head where sperm enters the egg

9 Examples of Specialized Cells
Leaf cells Thick cell wall to prevent H2O loss Lots of chloroplasts to capture sunlight and make sugars Guard cells 

10 In Conclusion... Structure-function Relationship: Specialized cells have a specific physical form (structure) that helps them perform their job (function) Although all cells have the same DNA, only a part of the DNA is activated to produced a particular type of specialized cell

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