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1 Body Composition

2 Body Composition Defined
The distribution of fat throughout the body in relation to bone, muscle, and other tissue.

3 Do you know why our bodies need some fat on them?
Fat insulates body tissue Fat provides energy Fat helps break down certain vitamins

4 Food For Thought… The only thing a scale can measure is:
gravity’s pull on your body A Scale can’t measure: Whether or not you’re eating well Your fitness level Your self esteem How good a friend you are Your sense of humour Your insight and perception How good a worker you are Your soul

5 Methods of Measuring Body Composition:
Body Mass Index (BMI) Waist Circumference (WC) + Body Mass Index (BMI) Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) Some scales are now designed to provide you with percentage of body fat etc.

6 Body Mass Index (BMI): Gives a rough indication to whether your body weight (mass) is appropriate for your height. It does not directly measure the amount of body fat. Limitation: BMI does not work well for children, teenagers, the elderly or for very fit individuals. This appraisal does not distinguish between body fat and dense muscle, nor does it take into account where this fat resides. See chart.

7 Waist Circumference (WC) + BMI
An effective method in predicting the health risks that come with excess fat weight around your midsection. To get a pretty good indication of your body comp, combine your WC measurement with your BMI. Place a measuring tape around your waist (midway between the bottom of the rib cage and the hip bone above the belly button). See Handout for more info. On this procedure.

8 Waist-to-Hip Ratio: The WHR looks at the relative proportion of fat stored around your waist and hips. It is a simple but useful measure of body fat distribution. All you need to perform this appraisal is a partner and a measuring tape. Simply follow the steps on the next slide.

9 WHR continued Stand up straight, with your stomach relaxed.
Find the narrowest point at your waist (usually above the belly button). Record your waist measurement in either cm or inches. Find the widest point at your hips and buttocks and record your hip measurement. Divide the first measurement (your waist) by the second (your hips), and this is your WHR.

10 WHR continued The higher the WHR, the greater the risk of developing a cardiovascular disease. Note: These studies were done on adult subjects, so more research is needed to determine accurate values for teenagers.

11 Have You Ever Wondered…
Why is my body shaped the way that it is? Is my weight a healthy weight? Why do I have trouble losing (or gaining) weight? Is the way my body looks a product of my own choices or fate (matters outside of my control)?

12 Factors That Impact Your Overall Body Composition

13 #1 - Gender Definition Heredity or a Behavioural Choice that you can control? Genetically, men have more muscles and therefore a faster metabolic rate that burns calories faster than women. Heredity

14 #2 – Body Type Definition Heredity or Behavioural?
Your Body Shape is determined by bone structure, muscles and fat proportions. There are 3 Main Body Types: Endomorph, Mesomorph, Ectomorph. Most people are a combination of all 3 types. Heredity It is important to note that body types are based on distribution of bone, muscle, and fat (not weight). Understanding your body type will help you to develop a realistic body image of yourself.

15 Body Types

16 Body Types

17 TEEN TRUTH – Body image

18 Endomorph: Soft, round body with hips Average to large frame
Have a higher proportion of body fat Broad hips with high hourglass waistline and curved prominent belly Small bones and little muscular development or definition

19 Ectomorph: long, lean body Narrow, short torso
Very long, slim legs and arms Frame is light with little muscle or fat Delicate bones, poorly developed or defined muscles Usually thin May be able to eat large amounts of food without gaining weight

20 Mesomorph: Broad shouldered and narrow hips Body is muscular
Large bones and heavy muscle can give higher body weights strong and muscular Chest and shoulder dominant over stomach Low waistline with less indentation than endomorph Well-defined muscles Sturdy, athletic body

21 #3 - Metabolism Definition Heredity or Behavioural?
The amount of energy your body needs to maintain vital functions like digestion, respiration and circulation. The higher the metabolism, the faster your body burns calories. Genetics can have some influence, but you can also increase your metabolism by increasing your muscle mass (through weight training). Recent research suggests that you can also increase your metabolism by eating certain foods such as spicy foods.

22 #4 - Lifestyle Definition Heredity or Behavioural? The choices you make about exercise and eating. Are you active? Do you eat fast foods? Does your culture eat foods with oil or sauces made with heavy cream? Behaviour Choice

23 #5- Emotions Definition Heredity or Behavioural? Includes how you feel and act under stress or low self esteem. Do you eat more or make bad choices when you are upset?? Behaviour Choice

24 #6- Set Point Theory Definition Definition Continued…
Some research suggests that genetics plays a significant role in determining body weight and shape. Just as individuals have a genetically predetermined weight range which the body tries to defend. Set-point is defined as the stable weight range that the body maintains when one is not trying to control it. In most individuals, set-point can fluctuate between at least 5-10 pounds and cannot be permanently lowered through restrictive dieting. This may explain why people regain the weight they lose when on calorie reduced diets. Heredity!

25 Health Risks of Being… Underweight Overweight Heart irregularities
Heart disease Depression Poor self-esteem Hypertension (High BP) Complications in Pregnancy Maturity onset diabetes (Type 2) Respiratory illness High blood cholesterol levels Some cancers Gallbladder disease Arthritis (sore joints) Eating disorders Distorted body image The above risks become more prevalent among those who are obese for a long period of time. Heart irregularities Lowered resistance to infection Reduced ability to fight disease Chronic fatigue (tired!) Anemia = low iron Diarrhea Osteoporosis later in life (weak bones) Psychological distress, depression (from low confidence and low self-esteem) Eating disorders Distorted body image

26 Body Myths ~ A Review Myth #1: Overeating Causes Overweight
Animal research suggests at least 51 causes of overweight, including genetic, metabolic and other environmental factors. Myth # 2: Dieting is Effective Clinical studies show that up to 95% of dieters regain the weight lost, usually within the first year. (yo-yo dieters…) Myth #3: Dieting is Healthy In addition to inadequate nutrition, dieting has been implicated in the development of weakness, fatigue, binge eating, bulimia, weight gain and obesity. (Don’t diet, make lifestyle changes!!!) Myth # 4: Everyone Can Be Slim Many researchers are suggesting that the body has a "set point" or biological control for the amount fat in the body; weight is determined predominately by genetics and early nutrition.

27 How to improve body image…
Celebrate our natural sizes – enjoy the diversity of our body shapes. Become informed and recognize and challenge myths and misperceptions about body image. Challenge weight prejudice. Challenge the media. Boycott the diet industry Educate others around the issues of weight prejudice and set point theory Surround yourself with a range of realistic body images Surround yourself with positive people who build you up, not tear you down Positive affirmations – learning to love yourself is a process, it takes time to truly love the skin you are in

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