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1. What is the Supremacy Clause?

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Presentation on theme: "1. What is the Supremacy Clause?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What is the Supremacy Clause?
It says that when a federal law and a state law disagree the federal law overrides the state law. The Constitution and other federal laws are the Supreme Law of the Land.


3 2. Explain Federalism. The powers of the government are divided between the national and the state government.

4 3. What are delegated (enumerated) powers?
Powers that the Constitution specifically gives to the Federal (national) government.

5 4. List Some Delegated Powers
coin money control trade declare war admit new states conduct foreign relations establish a post office . regulate immigration make all laws that are necessary and proper

6 5. Explain Reserved Powers.
Powers that set aside by the Constitution for the states or for the people. Amendment #10

7 6. List 5 Reserved Powers. Establish local governments, regulate business and trade within the state, establish and maintain schools, conduct elections, determine voter qualifications, make marriage laws, license professionals

8 7. What is another name for shared powers?

9 8. List 5 shared (concurrent) powers.
Make laws, maintain law and order (enforce laws), collect taxes, establish courts, charter banks, provide for public health and welfare

10 9. Explain the system of checks and balances.
A system in which the powers of government are balanced among different branches so that each branch can check or limit, the powers of the other branches.

11 10. Why did the framers of our Constitution provide for this system?
To prevent any branch from becoming too powerful.

12 11. What are 2 ways the legislative branch may check the executive branch.
Override a veto, impeach and remove the president, approve money bills, approve treaties

13 12. What are 2 ways the legislative branch may check the judicial branch.
Impeach and remove federal judges, approve federal judges, propose amendments

14 Veto laws, call Congress into special session
13. What are 2 ways the executive branch may check the legislative branch. Veto laws, call Congress into special session

15 Appoint judges, grant pardons and reprieves
14. What are 2 ways the executive branch may check the judicial branch. Appoint judges, grant pardons and reprieves

16 Declare laws unconstitutional
15. What is 1 way the judicial branch may check the legislative branch. Declare laws unconstitutional

17 16. List 1 way the judicial branch may check the executive branch.
Declare executive (presidential) acts unconstitutional

18 17. What is the main job of the legislative branch?

19 18. What is the main job of the executive branch?
Enforce Laws

20 19. What is the main job of the judicial branch?
Interpret the Law (i.e Decide if laws are constitutional!)

21 How are these goals similar?
20. Compare the goals “insure domestic tranquility” and “provide for the common defense” from the Preamble How are these goals similar?

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