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When you come in: Grab your health booklet Choose a color of construction paper Choose a marker that will show up on the construction paper.

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Presentation on theme: "When you come in: Grab your health booklet Choose a color of construction paper Choose a marker that will show up on the construction paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 When you come in: Grab your health booklet Choose a color of construction paper Choose a marker that will show up on the construction paper

2 Bellringer Besides exercise, eating healthy, and sleeping; what may be some other things that influence your physical health?

3 Your Physical Health and Hygiene

4 Your Teeth What do you use your teeth for? Tooth and gum problems start with the build up of plaque, a soft, colorless, sticky film containing bacteria that grows on your teeth. If plaque is not removed by brushing, it can become tartar, a hard material that forms when plaque builds up on teeth.

5 How to take care of your teeth… Brush, Floss, and visit your dentist/orthodontist!! 4y7p58Xa0

6 Your Skin Your bodies largest organ Protects you from germs Helps control your body temperature Allows you to feel texture, temperature, pressure and pain

7 What is skin? Two main layers: – Epidermis: thin outer layer – Dermis: thick inner layer

8 Caring for your skin Keep skin clean Protect your skin from the sun

9 Skin Problems Acne: a skin condition caused by over active oil glands Pimples, whiteheads, blackheads ]Dermatologist: a doctor who treats skin disorders

10 Healthy Nails Fingernails and toenails are dead cells that grow out of living tissue in the dermis. Cuticle: Non-living band of epidermis that surrounds the nail How do we take care of our nails?

11 Healthy Hair Fastest growing part of your body Hair issues: – Oily, greasy – Dry, damaged, brittle – Dandruff: flaking of the outer layer of dead skin cells on your scalp – Lice

12 Protecting your Hair Wash, Brush and Comb!!

13 Healthy Eyes Eye strain Injury Infection Sun

14 Vision Screenings Farsightedness: you can see at a distance but things up close seem blurry Nearsightedness: you can see up close but things at a distance are blurry Astigmatism: the shape of your cornea of lens causes things to look wavy or blurry

15 Healthy Ears Enable you to hear Help you keep balance Helps you stand up right or walk

16 Caring for your ears Protect from loud sounds Cold weather can cause ear infections Hearing loss and deafness

17 Health Care in your Community Dieticians, dentist, doctors, nurses, health teachers, counselors Goals: preventing health problems and treating them when they arise Specialist: a doctor trained to handle specific health problems Health screening

18 Sources of Health Care Doctors, dentist, clinics, hospitals, school nurse Government provides health care. Voluntary health groups: organizations that work to try and eliminate certain diseases Paying for health care: – Health insurance- monthly or yearly fee to an insurance company that agrees to pay for some costs of medical care – Managed care- health insurance plan that saves money by limiting people’s choice of doctors

19 Choosing Health Products

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