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M&E Joint Programming in Mozambique 12 th May 2009.

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1 M&E Joint Programming in Mozambique 12 th May 2009

2 3 rd generation UNDAF 07-09 Background: a much more clear environment PARPA II 06-09 UNDAF Guiding principles: 1) complete alignment between the selected UNDAF and PARPA II pillars; 2) clear reference to the PARPA II priorities; 3) all UNDAF outcomes should involve at least two, and preferably three or more UN agencies; 4) priorities should be based on tangible/measurable results with corresponding baselines; and 5) all planned outcomes should complement contributions made by the UN’s development partners.

3 3 rd generation UNDAF 07-09 Background: a much more clear environment PARPA II 06-09 Delivering as One UN: Operational Plan of the UN System in Mozambique 2007-2009 One Programme One Budgetary Framework One Leader One Office and Common Services Communicating as One

4 UNDAF 07-09 Background: a much more clear environment, but complex PARPA II 06-09 Delivering as One UN: Operational Plan of the UN System in Mozambique 2007-2009 PARPA II M&E System UNDAF M&E Framework: Outcome and Output 1.UNDAF M&E Framework focused on OUTPUT 2.Core Success Factors 3.Stocktaking Reports

5 Background: a much more clear environment, but complex PARPA II M&E System UNDAF M&E Framework: Outcome and Output 1.UNDAF M&E Framework focused on OUTPUT 2.Core Success Factors 3.Stocktaking Reports Annual Joint Assessment by Sectors and Final Eval. UNDAF MTR & Final Evaluation 1.UNDAF M&E Framework focused on OUTPUT. 2.Core Success Factors: not conducted yet. 3.Stocktaking Annual Reports.

6 What is the burden of M&E?

7 MDG: Impact and Outcome indicators MDG 60 impact and outcome indicators

8 UNDAF: Impact, outcome and output indicators Joint Programmes: Focused in output indicators MDG PARPA UNDAF 11 Joint Programmes Situation monitoring and analysis Performance monitoring and evaluation Quality assurance activities

9 Key M&E activities Situation monitoring and analysis Performance M&EQuality assurance activities Based on national surveys and studies Indicators listed in the UNDAF M&E Framework Joint field visits Progress annual reports Community consultations / involve beneficiaries Periodic on site reviews financial records Special or scheduled audits A total of 269 indicators, most of them OUTPUT indicators. 478 Indicator-Unit-Subpopulation, and 123 lack data: source, year or no data at all.

10 Aim to monitor and evaluate the DaO UN at country level: –CSF: 21 Success Factors and 41 indicators identified. –Stocktaking report due annually through a questionnaire. Core Success Factors and Stocktaking Reports

11 What was the proposed M&E structure?

12 Established in the context of UNDAF. Initially UNDAF oriented through the UNDAF Monitoring and Evaluation framework, then DaO. Chaired by RC and member from different agencies: WHO, WFP, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNIFEM, FAO, UNFPA, UNAIDS. Develop AWP and met in regular basis at least one a month. Focus on database development: Dev-Info with more than 400 indicators. M&E Reference Group: oversight for M&E of the UNDAF

13 1.Database developed, but now is not in use. 2.Technical assistance for the Stocktaking Reports 2007 and 2008. 3.Participation in the UNDAF MTR and Joint Program Review. 4.Participation in the UNDAF 2010 – 2011 extension document, mostly in the review of indicators (currently in progress). 5.Permanent participation of M&E Chair in the PMT meetings. 6.Review of Core Success Factor Indicators. 7.Technical support to UNCT 2008 AWP indicators. 8.PARPA II evaluation. What is being done?

14 In this complex context there are still CHALANGES in Mozambique: 1.UN Reform must reconsider resources needed for M&E.resources needed 2.UN M&E is most concentrated in process than impact. 3.M&E must be part of the planning and management processes. 4.UN still investing more time and resources in planning, less in implementing and very few in M&E.very few 5.Still we need to promote an M&E culture in the UN.M&E culture

15 M&E Reference Group Challanges UN M&E needs UN M&EM&E investment NOCORRESPONDENCENOCORRESPONDENCE

16 Time dedicated to M&E Some Few A lot Planning Implementing Time dedicated 16 Monitoring / Evaluation


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