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Spring Planning Meeting January 26, 2013 San Marcos,TX Consultants Network IEEE Central Texas Section Affinity Group.

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1 Spring Planning Meeting January 26, 2013 San Marcos,TX Consultants Network IEEE Central Texas Section Affinity Group

2 IEEE Central Texas Section 2013 CTCN Leadership Team l Bill Martino – Chairman l Sergio Liberman– Vice Chair/Web M’ter l Jody Everett – Secretary/Treasurer l Kai Wong – Program Manager l Bob Baker – Communication Mgr. l htm

3 IEEE Central Texas Section 10 regular meetings in 2012 on the fourth Wednesday of the month (usually). Workshop in May, 2012. Regular Officers meetings in 2012. Speakers booked for first four regular meetings in 2013. 2013 Workshop -- considering asking another Chapter to co-sponsor. Possible theme: career management during changing economic conditions. CTCN Chapter Updates

4 IEEE Central Texas Section 2012 CTCN Meetings DateTopicSpeakerL31? 25-JanEvolution of Engineering Codes of EthicsRobert HunterY (P) 22-FebBuilding a Successful Consulting PracticeAmy HollowayY (P) 28-MarIridium: Where It’s Been & Where It’s GoingMike CruessY (T) 25-AprThermal Management Techniques for LEDsRekha BangaloreY (T) 16-May Workshop – Consulting 201, Social Media, Contracts … IP, Build Business from Scratch Goodwin, Tynan, Hulsey, & SwensonY (P) 27-JunMicrocontrollers in HealthcareDonnie GarciaY (T) 25-JulEnhance Your Consulting SuccessCossen & LeamonY (P) 22-AugSmart Solar Power System ControllerJohn MerrittY (T) 26-SepModeling Scalability of Computing SystemsTed LehrY (T) 24-OctLegendary Engineering Success Stories*Gary DanielsY (T) 28-Nov Green Trends and Innovation in Electronics IndustryAlbert TsangY (T) 19-DecHoliday Party Y (N) * Joint with CAS, SSC, CEDA, WIE, LM

5 IEEE Central Texas Section CTCN Meetings Planned for 2013 Jan Enabling Cyber-Physical Systems w/Real- Time High-Performance Computing, Measurement and ControlIgor Alvorado FebLow Power ARM Core ChipsMark Davis MarMarketingRoyce Johnson AprMarketing Consulting BusinessElizabeth Quantanilla May**Data Encryption**Larry Huang Jun*IP ValuationMike Cruess Jul*Antivirus & Security for Small BizKevin Luke Aug*Modern Health Talk – Safe & Healthy LivingWayne Caswell Sep*Rapid I/O & MP ComputingSam Fuller Oct Nov * Gray, italicized, subject to change. ** Tentative – reschedule if workshop in May

6 IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Strength – Good team work & network to recruit speakers. l Weakness – Staying relevant as local technical employment conditions improve and CTCN membership ages. l Opportunity – Host joint events with other groups. l Threat – Other networking and professional groups in the area.

7 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Plans / Issues l Mix topics at monthly meetings to cover professional development, training, and technical topics. l Co-host workshop focused on individual career management (if another chapter is interested). l Recruit younger members via workshop focus and speaker topic choices. l Improve return rate for first time attendees.

8 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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