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In what forms and where do we find water on Earth? What are the causes and effects of floods?

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Presentation on theme: "In what forms and where do we find water on Earth? What are the causes and effects of floods?"— Presentation transcript:

1 In what forms and where do we find water on Earth? What are the causes and effects of floods?

2  Forms  saltwater—97 percent of world’s water  freshwater—most frozen in ice caps; less than 1 percent in vapor and liquid form  Where liquid fresh water is found  surface water—in rivers, lakes, estuaries, wetlands  groundwater—stored in soil and water table

3  Causes—heavy rains, sudden snow melts; human activity may contribute  Effects—erosion, loss of vegetation, death and destruction

4 SECTION 2 The Hydrosphere Evaporation: energy transforms water into vapor. Condensation: as water vapor rises it forms droplets. Surface Water Precipitation: droplets may become heavy enough to fall as rain, snow, or hail.

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