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Strengthening your body and mind. Objectives  What is strength training  Benefits of strength training  How do you get started?  How can we help?

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening your body and mind. Objectives  What is strength training  Benefits of strength training  How do you get started?  How can we help?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening your body and mind

2 Objectives  What is strength training  Benefits of strength training  How do you get started?  How can we help?

3 What is strength training?  Resistance exercises help increase the strength, endurance and power of the muscles by making the muscles work harder. The type of resistance applied to the muscles is generally weight or tension, such as springs in hand grips or rubber in exercise bands.  Exercises that progressively overload the musculoskeletal system by creating resistance for the muscles to work against make your muscles and bones stronger

4 Benefits of strength training  Arthritis relief  Reduction of falls  Strengthening of bones  Proper weight maintenance  Healthy state of mind  Sleep improvement  Healthy heart

5 How do you get started?  Motivation  Make a plan  Create goals  Exercise buddy  Celebrate your achievements

6 How can we help?  mPower  Strength training classes  Resistant bands  Yoga  Aqua fit

7 mPower  Make your complimentary appointment with the physio today  Join an mPower class  Every 3 months you will receive another complimentary appointment to see how you are doing

8 Strength training classes  Resistance bands  Strength class  Yoga  Aquafit  Other exercise classes in your community

9 Come and see us!!  Wellness and Vitality staff are here to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Come and see us and we can help you get started in the right direction.

10 Thank you!!  Questions??

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