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Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion CHAPTER TWELVE– TYPES OF PERSUASION Chapter Overview  Explains stasis theory, a central component of persuasive speech.

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1 Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion CHAPTER TWELVE– TYPES OF PERSUASION Chapter Overview  Explains stasis theory, a central component of persuasive speech  Details the differences between forms of deliberative persuasive speech and forensic persuasive speech  Covers the elements of the persuasive process

2  Definitive stasis is over word meaning  Ex: The meaning of windfall profit  Conjectural stasis concerns whether something happened  Ex: Whether someone is guilty of stealing Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion STASIS-THE ISSUE AT DISPUTE

3  Qualitative stasis is about moral/ethical issues  Ex: The amount of punishment for academic dishonesty  Translative stasis is about a judge’s competence  Ex: Is a mediator in a case fit to mediate the case? Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion STASIS

4  Fact, did or did not something happen?  Ex: Did the politician take a bribe?  Value, issues of right and wrong  Ex: Was it morally wrong for the politician to accept a donation from a lobbyist  Policy, should a course of action be taken?  Ex: Should a law be passed forbidding politicians from taking lobbyist’s money Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion DIFFERENT TYPES OF QUESTIONS

5  Deliberative speeches  About current or future things  Legislatures employ this type  Forensic speeches  Used in justice systems  Kategoria are about accusations  Apologia are rebuttal Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion TYPES OF PERSUASIVE SPEECHES

6  Refutation speeches involve overcoming the opposition’s argument by introducing evidence that reduces the appeal of the opposing claim  Rebuttal speeches use new evidence to make the opposing argument look weak  A refutation speech attacks the other’s argument to make it look wrong or false Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion SPEECHES OF REFUTATION

7  Issue awareness alerts the audience about the topic  Comprehension through a clear context  Acceptance is when the audience decides whether to agree or not  Integration is when the audience sees the situation in a new light Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion PERSUASIVE PROCESS STAGES

8  Initial credibility is at speech’s beginning  Derived credibility is during the speech  Terminal credibility is after the speech Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion TYPES OF CREDIBILITY

9  Initial credibility is also prior ethos  Building credibility during the speech  Good character  Sagacity  Good will  Dynamism  Terminal credibility may affect one’s reputation Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion CREDIBILITY AND PERSUASION

10  Lying by:  Commission-making up information  Omission-intentionally leaving out information  Manipulating is deliberately misusing information  Coercion uses force and/or threats Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion WAYS TO LOSE CREDIBILITY

11  Using emotion can be distracting to the issue  Four steps in using emotion  Determine the emotion  Connect the emotion to something  Use language or images to stir emotion  Involve the story or narrative Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion EMOTION AND PERSUASION

12  Remember, regardless of what or how you argue or persuade, speaker credibility is essential Chapter Twelve - Types of Persuasion FINALLY…

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