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1 Note Instructions Open to a Blank Example Page and Note Page Put a Cornell Line on the Note Page Key Words, in Lavender, go to the Left of the line.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Note Instructions Open to a Blank Example Page and Note Page Put a Cornell Line on the Note Page Key Words, in Lavender, go to the Left of the line."— Presentation transcript:


2 1

3 Note Instructions Open to a Blank Example Page and Note Page Put a Cornell Line on the Note Page Key Words, in Lavender, go to the Left of the line Definitions and Examples, in White, go to the Right of the Line DO NOT Write Words in Green 2

4 3 4 General Characteristics: 3) Chloroplasts – responsible for photosynthesis 2) Autotrophic (make own food –photosynthesis) 1) Eukaryotic / Multi-celled organisms 4). Chlorophyll- gives plants green color

5 4 Chloroplast

6 5 PLANTS Seedless PlantsSeed Plants Angiosperms Gymnosperms Ferns & related plants Mosses & related plants VascularNonvascular Put this Organizational Chart on the opposite Example Page

7 6 Vascular Plants- plants that have tube-like cells in their roots, stems, & leaves that carry H 2 O and nutrients Vascular comes from the Latin word “vasculum” which means “vessel” Lose their leaves like a pet sheds

8 7 Vascular Plants: 2 Types of Tubes tube-like cells that carry water & dissolved minerals from the roots to leaves tube-likecells that carry food, from leaves (Photosynthesis), to all parts of the plant tube-like cells that carry food, from leaves (Photosynthesis), to all parts of the plant  each one has a specific function (job) a) xylem b) phloem  vascular plants have 2 different types of tube-like structures inside them  think of tiny a plumbing system Xylem - Phloem-

9 8 Vascular Plants (Seedless) Ferns-usually grow in moist shady areas they have adapted to grow in other environments: stem stores the food & water - aquatic (water) - dry climates - tropical regions water horn fern tropical fern typical fern

10 9 Vascular Plants: Seedless (ferns) Fern Leaf divided into tiny leaflets that look “feathery” loses leaves at the end of each growing season ferns are classified by their leaves reproduce by spores formed on the underside of the leaf Fern Reproduction the cases that hold the spores look like brown and orange spots

11 Vascular Seed Plants Gymnosperms Nonflowering Examples Conifers, Pines, Cycads Needle-like leaves Most are evergreen Soft wood. Reproductive structure is a cone or cone- like structure.

12 11 Vascular Plants: Seed Plants (conifers) Evergreens- type of conifer (cone-bearing) that keeps its leaves all year long lose leaves but not all at same time example: pine, spruce, fir and cypress trees

13 12 Vascular Plants: Seed Plants (conifers) Conifer- 2 main parts : embryo- An organism that contains a new young plant and stored food in its earliest stage of birth seed- A plant embryo that contains a new young plant and stored food surrounded by a protective coat a type of seed plant that produces its seeds inside a cone

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15 Vascular Seed Plants Angiosperms Flowering plants Flower is used for pollination Seeds found in fruit Examples: Apple Tree, Rose, Oak, Maple, Corn, and Grass

16 Angiosperms Broad leaf plants Most are deciduous (leaves fall off) Hardwood

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