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Lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Taunton Learning Partnership Esafety Charter work.

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Presentation on theme: "Lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Taunton Learning Partnership Esafety Charter work."— Presentation transcript:

1 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Taunton Learning Partnership Esafety Charter work

2 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Issue 1 87% of 8-11 year olds use the internet at home What are they doing? Are they always safe?

3 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Issue 2 53% of 12-15 years olds would put their mobile phone number on their social network. 85% would put pictures on their Social network. What settings should they use? Do these always work?

4 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Issue 3 63% of parents trust their aged 5-7 children to use the Internet safely. This rises to 82% of parents who have children aged between 8-11 and 88% for parents who have children aged between 12-15. Should they trust their children? How could parents help in keeping children safe?

5 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Issue 4 10% of children aged 8-11 play online games with someone they do not know. This increases to 28% when they are aged between 12-15. Is it okay to play online games with people that you have not met?

6 lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage Issue 5 41% of children have a mobile phone capable of texting of updating their social network profile at any time of the day. Can you say what you like about people on social network or by texts?

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