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Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens ARBORIST S.R.L. Ploieti Romania.

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Presentation on theme: "Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens ARBORIST S.R.L. Ploieti Romania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens ARBORIST S.R.L. Ploieti Romania

2 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Strada Vasile Conta nr 17, Cod 100125, Ploiesti, jud. Prahova, Romania Http:

3 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Objectives foster joy in learning by adult stakeholders through the exploitation of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in education. cooperate together to exchange knowledge and information on the use of AR technology for adult educational purposes. generate a set of best practices of how AR can be exploited for joyful adult education purposes.

4 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens JoyAR using AR as a mechanism for creating a joyful and enriching learning experience for adults.

5 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Dissemination – October 2012 Teaching mathema tics training course 50 teachers from Prahova County

6 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Dissemination Nation Festival of Your Chances Dec 2012 Grundtvig week

7 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Dissemination County Conferenc e – Teaching Adults

8 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Ploiesti, 5 th December 2012 AR models in training

9 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Calimanesti, december 2012 National Training IT competences for teachers – national program 45 teachers of history from Romania AR Models

10 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Last week and next week 150 teachers from Prahova County National Program for all teachers Transversal competences

11 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens To do list - 3D Model Bilding - AR Media export for mobile devices

12 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens To do list - 3D Model Bilding - AR Media export for mobile devices

13 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens First AR Model – Learning about trees Exemple of Forest Speeces Exemple de specii foresitiere Mesteacanul—Betula

14 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Brochure

15 Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Albert Einstein

16 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Contact: Daniela IONESCU Tel +40 724 268644

17 Second Meeting, 5,6 April 2013, Athens Thank you !

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