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Urban Public Transport in Europe Market potential and future development? Bård Norheim.

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Presentation on theme: "Urban Public Transport in Europe Market potential and future development? Bård Norheim."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urban Public Transport in Europe Market potential and future development? Bård Norheim

2 Market potential for Public Transport in European cities UITP Millennium Cities Database II: –44 Cities in Europe UITP-conference in Turku 2006: Comparing Scandinavian and European cities: –Urban Structure –Framework for car use –Public Transport Service –Analysed the demand for Public Transport and car use in these cities Best seminar Berlin 2007: –Updated figures for 5 cities (Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, Berlin and Prague)

3 The effect on Public Transport Market Share

4 Public Transport Market Share Mechanised trips 2001

5 Car/Mc share 2001

6 Bicycle Market Share 2001

7 Demand for car and PT use Significant effects of: PT service level –Fare level –Frequency Urban environment –Population density –Population –Share of working places in CBD Framework for car use –Parking density in CBD –Car density –Car user cost Economic activity –Income level –Total trip frequency

8 Big Metropolis and Rural Areas!

9 Low density in Scandinavian cities

10 The effect of urban density Compared to the average of European cities Scandinavia: 50% lower density : –15 % higher car trips/person –24 % lower PT trips/person Vienna and Barcelona: 50% higher density –8 % lower car trips/person –17 % higher PT trips/person

11 ”It is cheap to go by Public Transport in Greece!”

12 The BigMac index 2005

13 Adjusted Fare Level 2001 Per cent deviation from average Fare Box Revenue per passenger km Adjusted for Purchasing Power Parities

14 Isolated effect on demand for Car and Public Transport Fare elasticity (-0,31) Cross elasticity (0,23)

15 Adjusted Petrol Prices 2006 Deviation from Western European Average

16 The effect of petrol level on PT travel demand in BEST countries

17 Parking Density and Public Transport Share (2001)

18 The total effect on PT transport demand in BEST cities Compared to average level 2001 Revenue /passkm Vehicle km/capita Urban density Population Fuel cost Share of work places in CBD Car/mc density

19 The total effect on car and PT use in BEST cities Compared to average level 2001

20 Future development? Economic growth? Urban sprawl or concentration? Parking density and car user cost? Financial framework and long term planning

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