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Dawn of the Industrial Age

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1 Dawn of the Industrial Age
Chapter 7 Section 1 pp

2 #1a Charles Townshend Lord in England that urged farmers to grow turnips to help restore minerals in exhausted fields.

3 #1b Jethro Tull Invented a seed drill, placing seeds in a row rather than scattering them around

4 #1c Thomas Newcomen 1712 created a steam engine powered by coal to pump water out of mines

5 #1d James Watt 1769 improved Newcomen’s engine, Watt’s engine was one of the keys to the Industrial Revolution, also figured HORSE POWER [1 horse could pull 180lbs so that’s a 1 hp engine]

6 #1e Abraham Darby Used coal to melt iron to separate iron from its ore, and improved coal used to melt metal so there were fewer impurities

7 #2a Anesthetic A drug that prevents pain during medical procedures– First used by American Dentist Horace Wells??

8 [Additional]--- Antiseptic
Product used to stop the spread of germs during hospital stays, today used everywhere– First used by Dr. Ignaz Philip Semmelweis in Hungary

9 #2c Smelt Separating iron from its ore, basically to melt metal

10 #2b Enclosure The process of closing in pastures or fields with fences, used as early as the 1500s in Britain

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