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Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Program for Support to Family Subsistence Production.

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Presentation on theme: "Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Program for Support to Family Subsistence Production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Program for Support to Family Subsistence Production

2 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo BACKGROUND TO THE PROGRAM It was implemented for the first time in the year 2006 in 7 regions of Chile. In the year 2007 it was extended to 13 regions of the country. Northern Zone Central Zone Southern Zone About 70% of the families attended reside in rural zones.

3 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo The majority of the income is assigned to the purchase of food 60%-70% On producing some food a family can stop spending money on these items. If the family stops spending money on food, it is able to assign these resources to be spent on other priority items. THE BUDGET OF FAMILIES IN EXTREME POVERTY The intervention strategy is based on the principle of substitution of expenditure and freeing up of available income.

4 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM Increase in income level Improvement in eating habits Family Production Consumption of one’s production (subsistence) Quantifiable increase in income level Substitution of expenses and increase in available income In a traditional scheme which distinguishes and separates the productive dimension from the social dimension, the Program aims at integrating the two.

5 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo 6. Administration of the family budget 7. Family participation and equitable distribution of tasks 1. FOOD PRODUCTION 5. Healthy food habits 4. Food Preparation and Consumption 2. Food preservation 3. Food processing Cultivation Rearing Gathering Hunting and fishing Curing Sun drying Preservatives Marmalades Bread making Milk products Meat products Variety in preparations Production use Food hygiene Test of the eating habits and educational work CENTRAL INTERVENTION AXIS OF THE PROGRAM

6 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo EXECUTING AGENCIES OF THE PROGRAM Private Firms The respective local governments (municipalities) Universities and foundations 58%34%8% The Program is implemented in the regions through the execution of projects. A number of families participate in each project (from 5 to 200) The program is executed for three distinct types of executing agencies: The process aims to transfer the major responsibilities and resources to the local governments in order for them to execute the Program.

7 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo STAGES OF EXECUTION The components of the Program are explained to the Families and they are invited to participate. SelectionDiagnosisAction PlanImplementationAccompaniment Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5,6 & 7 An evaluation is carried out with the family on their situation as far as eating habits and the family budget. With the family, it is decided what techniques of food production should be implemented and what food to produce. Together with the family, the techniques are implemented and the initiative is undertaken. The family is advised and trained so that they have the tools to allow them to develop their own initiative. The process aims to transfer the major responsibilities and resources to the local governments in order for them to execute the Program.

8 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Meat Bread FOODS WHICH THE FAMILY CAN PRODUCE The cultivation and consumption of vegetables is the basic axis of support to the families promoted by the Program Eggs Vegetables Preservatives & Marmalades

9 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo SUPPORT RECEIVED BY THE FAMILIES FROM THE PROGRAM Group Sessions Materials and inputs to develop productive activity + + Two forms of work in the field Support to implement the techniques of food production Support for the improvement of eating habits and the organization of the family budget Social Support Productive Support One of the greatest challenges of the Program is getting the field team to work with an integrated focus. Individual Sessions

10 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo INDIVIDUAL WORK SESSIONS WITH THE FAMILY It is carried out in the home of each family. The sessions take place on a monthly basis. The duration of each session varies, from 30 minutes to 2 hours. They are developed through the two forms of work in the field. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 sessions are conducted. The individual sessions constitute the backbone of the intervention with the families..

11 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo GROUP WORK SESSIONS WITH THE FAMILY They take place at the community level. During the corresponding period of execution, 2 group sessions take place. The objective is to encourage educative work at the individual level. Themes addressed in the workshops: Representatives of all of the families in the Program participate. The group sessions seek to generate a space for the sharing of experiences among participating families. Administration of the family budget Hygiene in food preparation Sharing healthy recipes Production of marmalades and preservatives

12 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo MATERIALES E INSUMOS PARA DESARROLLAR ACTIVIDAD PRODUCTIVA The average amount invested in a family: US $ 200-300 They also participate in the decision on how to invest the resources of support. Purchases and material transfers are carried out by the executing agency. More frequent inputs The families participate in the decision regarding the techniques to implement. Construction Materials Seeds and plants Animals Tools and equipment The support offered to the families is generally along the lines of support to existing initiatives.

13 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES Production costs are less than the cost of purchasing foods. Adoption of appropriate Social and Environmental Technology framework, developed during the 80 to 90s mainly by NGOs. Capacity to produce healthy, good quality foods. Low implementation costs. Allows for the use of local materials and resources Easy to repair and use Factors considered in the food production strategy Culturally relevant.

14 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo AGROECOLOGICAL ZONES Another important challenge is the production of foods in light of agro-ecological variations. Important differences at the level of: Temperature and rainfall Periods in the year when one can produce Availability of basic resources: water, land Diet and eating habits Valley zone Coastal zone Mountain zone North Zone Central Zone Southern Zone Adoption of appropriate Social and Environmental Technology framework, developed during the 80 to 90s mainly by NGOs.

15 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE PROGRAM’S STRATEGY Quality of foods assigned for consumption Cost of foods available for the market Variety of food incorporated into the diet Make foods available for “difficult” periods (winter months) “Clean” methods of production Access to seeds and water for irrigation New forms of food preparation Methods food preservation Principle of substitution of expenses freeing up available income. Factores considerados en estrategia de producción de alimentos Priorities of the Program

16 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Seeds and plants TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM To give the family access to a variety of foods: recover local seeds and reduce dependence on purchases

17 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Irrigation Systems TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM Optimize the use of water resources which is one of the main factors limiting the development of small scale production.

18 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Intensive cultivation systems TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM Allow for greater production in less space, promoting diversity of crops.

19 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Systems for planting in small spaces TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM Production of bread and other food: collection of firewood and improvement in the family’s cooking facilities.

20 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Planting in plastic bottles TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM Production of bread and other foods: collection of firewood and improvement in the family’s cooking facilities.

21 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Value the use of waste materials and take advantage of small spaces for cultivation Cultivation using tires TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM

22 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Systems for compost development TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM Develop the capacity of families to produce and improve the soil.

23 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Disease and plague control TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM Prioritize the use of methods of biological control, avoiding the employment of agrochemicals in the production process.

24 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Earthen oven and kitchen TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM Production of bread and other food: collection of firewood and improvement in the family’s cooking facilities.

25 Programa Apoyo a la Producción Familiar para el Autoconsumo Rearing of small animals TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM Mainly support for the rearing of chickens and other birds, pigs, sheep.

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