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Closed Loop Calibration Automatic Calibration Using ProCal.

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Presentation on theme: "Closed Loop Calibration Automatic Calibration Using ProCal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closed Loop Calibration Automatic Calibration Using ProCal

2 CLOSED LOOP CALIBRATION – Overview  ProCal can control and readback from instruments connected using RS232 or GPIB interfaces.  An easy to use command language allows instrumentation to be set to the correct range and readings to be automatically fetched, processed and displayed on screen. ProCal Command Language

3 CLOSED LOOP CALIBRATION – Control  Using simple keywords, ProCal can send commands to an instrument : To communicate using the RS232 interface use : COM1 = carriage return, alternatively use for line feed To communicate using the GPIB interface use : Where address is simply the GPIB address

4 CLOSED LOOP CALIBRATION – Readback  Using simple keywords, ProCal can read back data from an instrument : To fetch a reading into memory use : Eg. For an HP34401A on COM1 the command is COM1 READ? This triggers the meter to take a reading To put this value in the computer memory, use UUT FETCHREAD To use the value in memory as the reading use UUT MEAS=READ

5 CLOSED LOOP CALIBRATION – Pre/Post Commands  ProCal allows commands to be sent either before a test begins, or at the end of a test  PRE-TEST Command Window This can be used to set up an instrument to the correct range / output, set a remote operation switch box to the correct state etc.  POST-TEST Command Window This can be used to set an instrument to a standby state or recalculate a calibration constant to update an instrument.

6 CLOSED LOOP CALIBRATION – Advanced Functions  ProCal can now manipulate numbers in memory and allow these to be manipulated with formulas to calculate, for example, calibration factors.  SHOWMSG : Display a message box during command execution  HIDEMSG: Force message to hide (message is hidden after all commands are run)  SOUND : Play a.WAV sound file  NOM=READ: Set the test NOMINAL value to the READING (obtained from RS232/GPIB)  MEAS=READ: Set the test MEASURED value to the READING (from RS232/GPIB)  CF=READ: Set the CAL FACTOR variable to the READING (from RS232/GPIB)  CALCREAD : Use a formula to modify the READING variable  CALCCF : Use a formula to modify the CAL FACTOR variable  TRIMREAD : Remove user defined leading / trailing chars from READING variable  TRIMCF : Remove user defined leading / trailing chars from CAL FACTOR variable  EXTRACTREAD : Extract a user defined string of characters from READING variable  EXTRACTCF : Extract a user defined string of characters from CAL FACTOR variable  FORMATCF : Format the CAL FACTOR variable with a user defined image  FORMATREAD : Format the READING variable with a user defined image  RESTART: Restart the current test  GOTO : Goto a specific test

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