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The Renaissance C13S1.

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1 The Renaissance C13S1

2 What was the Renaissance?
A New Worldview Evolves Spirit of Adventure Renaissance scholars reject Medieval scholars for Rome/Greece Produced new attitudes based on human experience Emphasized human experience Navigators, artists, scientists, explored and experimented new realms Expressing Humanism: Studied classical culture, focused on worldly subjects rather than religious issues, believed in education and creative powers.

3 Italy: Cradle of Renaissance
Italy’s History and Geography Italy’s Vibrant City-States Prime location, trade, banking, historical Independent powerful families ran various city-states Medici family of Florence – patrons of art and politically powerful

4 Renaissance Art Flowers
Reflecting Humanist Thought Architecture: A social Art. Fused religious theme against classical backdrop Using New Artistic Techniques: became more realistic. Painted religious figures with human qualities and emotion Perspective: depth and space created an illusion Shading, and new oil points Attention to human body for accuracy REN architects rejected MED Gothic style. Adopted columns, arches, and domes of classical style.

5 Renaissance Art Flowers continue
Leonardo da Vinci Raphael Realistic artist, inventor Mona Lisa, Last Supper Michelangelo: Artist David, Pieta, ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, St Peter’s Cathedral in Rome Artist Portrayals of Madonna, School of Athens




9 Writing for a New Society
Catiglione’s Ideal Courtier Machiavelli's Successful Prince Most widely read book “The Book of the Courtier” (about manners) Advice on how a respectful person conducts themselves. Guide to ruling effectively. Reject high ideals and embrace effective governing. Ethically questions the nature of government and the use of power

10 Printing Press Revolution (p232)
Germany/1455: Johan Gutenberg printed the Bible Cheaper, faster, and more accurate. Encouraged reading and knowledge Shakespeare Writes for All-Time English poet and playwright. Genius in expressing universal and timeless themes. Explores Renaissance ideals, individualism, realism, and classics Plays written in the vernacular of the people

11 Checkpoint Questions 1) What were the main characteristics of the Renaissance? A new worldview based on human experience, an emphasis on education and humanism, and a spirit of adventure and curiosity. 2) Why was the Italy a favorable setting for the Renaissance? Once the center of classical world. Crossroads of trade, access to Muslim civilization, and connections to trade brought wealth that spurred the Renaissance and spread new ideas. The competition among city-states encouraged new ways of thinking.

12 Assessment 3. What were the ideals of the Renaissance, and how did Italian artists and writers reflect these ideals? Artists, architects, and writers used realistic techniques. Their work reflected the Renaissance ideals of humanism, an appreciation of the classics, human form, realism, and curiosity.

13 Assessment 4. How was the Renaissance worldview different from that of the Middle Ages? Medieval worldview was shaped by religion, it accepted tradition and the idea that only God was perfect. In contrast, the Renaissance worldview was shaped by inquiry, exploration, and the idea that humans could perfect themselves.

14 Assessment 5) How did humanism influence Renaissance painting and sculpture? Artists focused on human beings, their achievements, and their relationship to God. 6) Why were nature and human nature important to Renaissance artists and writers. They thought that art should reflect the reality of human experience

15 Assessment C13S2 7) What was the impact of the printing press?
It enabled books to be produced more cheaply, raised literacy rates, and spread new ideas quickly. 8) What Renaissance ideas did Shakespeare’s work address? An emphasis on the Renaissance ideals of individual; realism; and the importance of the classics

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