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Unit 4 FOOD 建湖县上冈实验初级中学 刘德亚. She is always hungry.

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1 Unit 4 FOOD 建湖县上冈实验初级中学 刘德亚

2 She is always hungry.

3 She needs a lot of energy. ( 需要许多能量 )

4 hungry need a lot of energy

5 He never ( 从不 ) exercises.


7 Hobo : You never exercise. Eddie: Yes, I do. I walk to my bowl many times a day. What’s the meaning( 意思 ) of “Yes, I do.” ? 不, 我锻炼的.

8 You must exercise every day and keep healthy.( 保持健康 )

9 What is your favourite food? noodles 面条 breadbiscuitscakeeggs baozidumplingsmilk

10 What food do you like/dislike? ricefishchicken vegetablesham 火腿 beef 牛肉 mutton 羊肉 pork 猪肉

11 Show your likes and dislikes( √ ) FoodLikeDislike rice fish chicken pork beef mutton ham vegetables

12 What is your favourite food? hamburger hot doghamfried chickenchips pizzaice creamsandwich Fast food is not good for us. Don’t eat too much.

13 What is your favourite fruit? applesbananasgrapes peaches pearspineapplestrawberries watermelon An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ( 一天一个苹果, 医生远离我.)

14 Group work : Making up a dialogue have a picnic You will buy a lot of nice food. You are asking your friends what food they like. You may use: 1.What is your favourite food? 2.What food do you like? 3.Do you like… ?

15 Homework for today’ Finish the paper: 1.Revise the words; 2.Classify the food on the paper; 3.Complete a questionnaire.

16 Guessing Game 你的同学将猜测你喜欢什么食物, 你将 他 / 她的手放在你喜欢的蔬菜或水果图片上, 并询问他 / 她 :What do I like? 猜的同学通 过触摸进行回答 :You like… 。

17 Food I like and I dislike Love Like Dislike applesorangesfishchickenvegetablesfat pork

18 Show your likes and dislikes FoodLoveLikeDislike

19 An interview ( 采访 ): What food does your partner like? Kinds of foodFood he/ she likes Vegetables Fruit Meat or fish Drink Fast food Interviewee : ( 被采访者 ) ___________ (Four of you makes a group, interview each other, then complete the table.)

20 What food do they like? NamesFood they like Shen Dianxia Gong Hanlin Don’t eat too much or too little.

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