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Freudian Defense Mechanisms Defense Mechanisms are ways we cope with stress....Defense Mechanisms are ways we cope with stress.... ways of deceiving oneself.

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Presentation on theme: "Freudian Defense Mechanisms Defense Mechanisms are ways we cope with stress....Defense Mechanisms are ways we cope with stress.... ways of deceiving oneself."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freudian Defense Mechanisms Defense Mechanisms are ways we cope with stress....Defense Mechanisms are ways we cope with stress.... ways of deceiving oneself about the causes of a stressful situations so that pressure, frustration, conflict, and anxiety are reducedways of deceiving oneself about the causes of a stressful situations so that pressure, frustration, conflict, and anxiety are reduced

2 Freudian Defense Mechanisms DenialDenial –refusal to acknowledge a painful or threatening reality RepressionRepression –a form of forgetting... means excluding painful thoughts from consciousness (most extreme form is amnesia)

3 Freudian Defense Mechanisms ProjectionProjection –projecting the attribution of one’s own repressed motives, ideas, or feelings on to others. We ascribe our feelings to someone else, thus locating the source of our conflict outside ourselves.

4 Freudian Defense Mechanisms RationalizationRationalization –subtle form of denial. We realize that we are threatened but detach ourselves from our problems by analyzing and intellectualizing them. RegressionRegression –people who become fixated are likely to display immature childlike traits

5 Freudian Defense Mechanisms Reaction FormationReaction Formation –the ego unconsciously makes unacceptable impulses look like their opposite. DisplacementDisplacement –redirection of repressed motives/emotions from their original objects to substitute objects

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