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Presentation on theme: "Grammar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar

2 Verb Tenses Simple Tenses: The 3 most basic tenses
Past, Present, Future Perfect Tenses: These are “perfect” because the action is considered completed. Past Perfect, Present Perfect, Future Perfect

3 The Activity: I will break you into 3 groups
Each group will get 1 simple tense to explain and 1 perfect tense to explain.

4 You will complete each of the following tasks for the tenses you are given:
Create a poster explaining your tense: When should you use the tense? What are the rules for the tense? Create 3 example sentences. (It will be your job to explain your two tenses to the class)

5 Rubric You will be scored for the following:
Teamwork: Work together Delivery: Confidence Content Individual Participation

6 Present Perfect show an action that was finished recently or one that that was completed in an uncertain time in the past… it may still be happening. Place has or have in front of the past participle (-ed) Examples: We have played football. My niece has jumped down the road. I have read this book.

7 Past Perfect Use this verb when you want to show an action that happened before another action in the past. Rules for the Tense: formed with had and the verb's past participle (-ed) Here are some examples: The team had won before I arrived. My sister had just left when we walked in the door. The team had won. My sister had just left.

8 Future Perfect show actions that will occur before another action in the future. use will have and shall have and the past participle (-ed) of the verb. Here are some examples: By Friday, our team will have won the homecoming game. By next year, I shall have graduated from high school. I will have worked all night, if I don’t sleep soon.

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