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L ESSON OBJECTIVES Students will: Describe what data security is and why it is important to keep information safe. Explain how encryption and passwords.

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Presentation on theme: "L ESSON OBJECTIVES Students will: Describe what data security is and why it is important to keep information safe. Explain how encryption and passwords."— Presentation transcript:


2 L ESSON OBJECTIVES Students will: Describe what data security is and why it is important to keep information safe. Explain how encryption and passwords are used to keep information safe Describe the key features of a strong password.

3 EnglishKazakhRussian Data securityАқпарат қауіпсіздігіБезопасность данных CodeКод EncryptionШифрлеуШифрование AuthorisedАвторластырылғанАвторизованный UnauthorisedАвторыстырылмағанНеавторизованный PasswordҚұпия сөзПароль

4 D ATA S ECURITY Decides who can use the database and what information they can use. Use of login details (username and passwords. Protects data from damage such as fire.

5 E NCRYPTION Encryption is a way of coding messages or information in such a way that only authorised people can read it. Coding = writing Authorised = people with permission


7 P ASSWORDS A password is a secret word or string of characters that is used by a person when proving their identity. Logging onto school or work network Email accounts Online banking Can you think of other situations where you would use a password?

8 F EATURES OF A STRONG PASSWORD ? What are the features of a strong password? Take a moment to write/discuss what you think are the key features of a strong password.

9 H OW STRONG IS YOUR PASSWORD ? Visit the website To check how strong your password is? How can you make it stronger?

10 F EATURES OF A STRONG PASSWORD ? Password should have at least eight characters It should have a combination of letters, numbers and special characters. Letters should be a mixture of upper and lower case. It should not have any repeating characters It does not spell a name, band or birthday.

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