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Threats to I.T Internet security By Cameron Mundy.

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Presentation on theme: "Threats to I.T Internet security By Cameron Mundy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Threats to I.T Internet security By Cameron Mundy

2 Computer virus

3 Malware  This is malicious software that can slow down the computer and corrupt data files

4 Spyware  Spyware is software that helps in getting information about a person without their knowledge and it can send the information to another person or device without you knowing. They use spyware that can see the keys you are typing like passwords etc. Another type of spyware they use would be a software that can log on to your pc camera and record everything that you do.

5 Phishing  Phishing is a way of getting personal data such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details..  They gather this information by sending out emails that look like they are real and from your bank. They then asked you to click on link which sends you to a website that looks real and asks you to input your bank details or user name and passwords

6 Hacking  A hacker is someone who seeks a weakness in a computer system or sometimes computer networks. They then use this weakness to get access to the system and then they can plant viruses or steal and damage data.

7 Spam  Spam is electronic junk mail which can contain malware, be phishing or advertising and is usually sent to you with out your permissions.

8 Precautions  Phishing: check sites are secure by looking for the padlock in the link.  Viruses: install anti-virus software and be careful what you download.  Hacking: get a firewall check the access.  Unintentional: back up system.  Everything: educate users

9 Secure passwords  GIFT (weak password)  GifT101 (medium strengths password)  G1$T#1o1 (strong password) Strong passwords should include:  upper case letters  lower case letters  minimum 8 characters  Numbers  Symbols

10 Antivirus software  You can download antivirus software easily and there are lots of free ones available this software helps prevent viruses attacking your computer.

11 Firewalls  A firewall could be described as a bouncer for the computer it only lets in who is allowed. It is normally a piece of software that is installed on a computer. You can also change the settings so that different computers and users have different levels of access.

12 Physical security  You can use physical security by locking doors and use cctv and have security guards. This is important to make sure any computers aren’t stolen.

13 Unintentional threats  If somebody accidentally deletes your work/files/accounts you can have a back up system just encase that happens so you can go back and get it back again. The back ups should be done at regular intervals, like every day.

14 Public Wi-Fi  The dangers of public Wi-Fi is that anybody can host a Wi-Fi hotspot with the same name as another public hotspot which can mean they gain all your information about you and your search history.  If you are on a public network don’t put in any personal information like bank details or email account or something like Facebook or twitter.

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