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Greek Theatre Max Kresek Drew Christensen Dakota Lugo Matthew Lenihan.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Theatre Max Kresek Drew Christensen Dakota Lugo Matthew Lenihan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Theatre Max Kresek Drew Christensen Dakota Lugo Matthew Lenihan

2 What is Greek Theatre It was a tradition and gathering of people to enjoy Plays,eat grapes and drink wine. It was popular between 600-200BC. Some categories that took place were Tragedy, comedy, and satyr were some of the earliest theatrical forms in the world. There is still a lasting impact on the world especially in western culture from these genres. Men in masks were only able to perform and go to the event. Women were banned. They took place for Dionysus who was the god fertility and wine

3 Comedy Plays Comedy plays were derived from imitation. Aristophanes wrote most of the comedy plays, out of these 11 plays survived- Lysistrata. Most of the plays took place before the classical age. They were high spirited and typically had songs,dances,fooling around,outspoken language and seemed like they were always a guaranteed good time. The first comedy play was in athens and was a religious festival of dionysus. The characters started off with only one man and evolved into many people.

4 Greek Tragedy plays Trageplays often dealt with love,loss pride, abuse and power. Popular themes that took place were stories of the gods. These are where some of the stories of the gods you hear today may of came from. great playwrights were Aeschylus, Sophocles and euripides

5 Greek Satyr plays Short plays that were a mix between tragedy and comedy. They often made fun of the characters in tragedies. They used mythical half human,half goat figures. Few examples of these plays still exist and are often characterised under comedy drama

6 Greek Theatre Presentations The greeks would hold festivals at theaters to worship their gods. The plays were performed by drunken men dressed in goat skins, they would dance and sing in choruses. Historians believe that the greeks copied the theater from the ancient egyptians. Three main playwrights during this time were Sophocles who wrote Antigone, Euripides, and Aeschylus.

7 Athens greek theater Dionysus The theatre of Dionysus is regarded as the first sample of greek theatres and the birthplace of the greek drama. It was the first built theater in the world. Some of the reason for theater is dedicated to dionysus patron of the theater. He is half brother to apollo and is often at the the heart of a frenzy of savage murder

8 Bibliography 1. AAFB5yn AAFB5yn 2.hhtp//www.greekmytholagy.comother/Outher_gods/ dionysus.html

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