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Thought of the Day What would you think if a new President changed how we run the government? Think about all of the things the government controls (taxes,

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Presentation on theme: "Thought of the Day What would you think if a new President changed how we run the government? Think about all of the things the government controls (taxes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thought of the Day What would you think if a new President changed how we run the government? Think about all of the things the government controls (taxes, schools, laws). What changes would you want made? What changes would you fear? Write 5 complete sentences.

2 The Norman Conquest -The Angles, Saxons, and Germanic people settled Northern Europe in the 5 th Century -October 14, 1066 William of Normandy sent troops to the coast of England to defeat King Harold at the Battle of Hastings

3 The Norman Conquest -William is new king of England -All knights swear an oath of loyalty -Norman people spoke French, but are marrying Anglo-Saxons which form a new English language -William changes society -Takes over Sherriff’s office -Domesday Book (keeps record of people, property, & animals) -New system of taxes

4 Henry II & The Church -Power of the king expanded during reign of Henry II -From 1154-1189, he increased criminal & property cases tried in king’s court -Courts use common law (same laws for whole kingdom) -English noblemen rebelled during reign of King John -1215 King John was forced to the sign the Magna Carta

5 Magna Carta -It recognized that king & vassal had mutual rights & obligations -Monarch’s power was limited, not absolute

6 Magna Carta -Development of representative government called the English Parliament -2 knights from each county -2 people from each town -All nobles & bishops -Nobles & church lords form the House of Lords -Knights & townsmen form the House of Commons (taxes & make laws)

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