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The Cold War 1945–1952. East-West Suspicions Soviet Control of Eastern Europe –Soviet Expansion into Europe heightened US fears of Communism –Soviet leaders.

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1 The Cold War 1945–1952

2 East-West Suspicions Soviet Control of Eastern Europe –Soviet Expansion into Europe heightened US fears of Communism –Soviet leaders did not keep promise of free elections –Soviet dominated nations, ensured they voted communist These nations were known as satellite nations –Stalin used materials from satellite nations to restore USSR –Ordered purges Removal of “disloyal” leaders

3 The Iron Curtain Winston Churchill coined term “Iron Curtain” –Describe Soviet policy in Europe Division of European nations Soviet Union created a Soviet Bloc –Used countries as a buffer zone to keep capitalism out Truman and his advisors agreed on a “get tough” policy

4 The Strength of Communism After WWII the US withdrew troops from Europe –Left Soviet army as the strongest Communism’s Promises –Abolish poverty, privilege and private property –Guaranteed work, shelter, education, healthcare, and a classless society –Played on poor nations Organized resistance to imperialist governments

5 Containment President Truman’s policy was containment –Preventing communism from spreading Some countries thought containment was too soft Walter Lippman published an article over the task at hand for the US –He warned the US would have to defend every anti-communist country –Wrote a book and coined the term “Cold War”

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