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Dr. Zahoor 1.  Blood  Plasma  Hematocrit or PCV  Plasma Protein  Erythropoiesis  Anaemia  White Blood Cell (WBC) 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Zahoor 1.  Blood  Plasma  Hematocrit or PCV  Plasma Protein  Erythropoiesis  Anaemia  White Blood Cell (WBC) 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Zahoor 1

2  Blood  Plasma  Hematocrit or PCV  Plasma Protein  Erythropoiesis  Anaemia  White Blood Cell (WBC) 2

3 Q.1 Give the composition of blood? Q2. Define Hematocrit or PCV. Q3. In blood, how much % is plasma? Q4. What is the composition of plasma? 3

4 Q5. Name the plasma protein. Q6. What is the function of albumin? Q7. What is the function of Globulin (alpha and beta)? Q8. What is gamma globulin? 4

5 Q9. What is the function of different gamma globulins? Q10. What is the function of fibrinogen? Q11. Give the causes of hypoprotenemia? Q12. What is edema? What is the cause of edema? 5

6 Q13. Blood viscosity depends on what? Q14. How much blood volume in normal adult male/female? Q15. What is life span of RBC? Q16. What is the difference between blood, plasma and serum? 6

7 Q17. What is normal RBC count? Q18. What is the size of RBC and its shape? Q19. What is the function of RBC? Q20. Why RBC is red? Q21. What is the composition of hemoglobin? 7

8 Q22. If you see arterial blood and venous blood sample in the tube by naked eye, what difference in the color would you find? Q23. In adult, where erythropoiesis takes place? Q24. What things are required for erythropoiesis? Q25. What is the difference between red and yellow bone marrow? 8

9 Q26. In your hospital, you are asked to take the bone marrow sample of a patient who has decreased RBC, WBC, and platelet count, which site you will choose to take the bone marrow sample? Q27. What is erythropoietin? Q28. Where is erythropoietin formed? Q29. What is the function of Erythropoietin? 9

10 Q30. A patient has kidney disease, what will be his hemoglobin, and RBC count? What treatment you will give him/her for his anemia? Q31. If reticulocyte count is increased, what does it signify? Q32. When there is Hb breakdown, what happens? Q33. What is Anemia? 10

11 Q34. What are different types of Anemia? Q35. If Hb decreased, RBC decreased, PCV decreased, MCV decreased, MCH decreased, what type of anemia is it? Q36. What will happen in Vit B12 deficiency anemia? Q37. Define MCH. 11

12 Q38. How much is normal Hb in adult person? Q39. Give two causes of Hemolytic anemia? Q40. Give two causes of Aplastic anemia? Q41. How much blood is taken when blood donation is done? 12

13 Q42.After how much time, blood donation can be given again, why? Q43. What are different types of WBC? Q44. What is normal % of N, E, B, L, M? What is life span of different leukocytes? 13

14 Q45. How you will identify neutrophil in microscopic examination? Q46. What is function of Neutrophil Eosinophil Basophil Lymphocyte Monocyte 14

15 Q47. What is normal total leukocyte count? Q48. What is Leukocytosis? Q49. In what condition, Leukocytosis will occur. Q50.What is Leukopenia. Give one cause. Q51. What is Leukemia? 15

16  A 35 year old, businessman consults his physician complaining of passing black stools for the last 2 weeks. He had a history of abdominal pain (epigastric region) for the last one year. He had been relieving this pain by taking tablets off and on. In the past week the patient noticed that he became breathless (dyspneic) on exertion.

17  Upon examination the patient looked pale. The pallor is most obvious in the conjunctivae and the nail beds. His heart rate was 105 beats/ minutes at rest (slightly raised) and there is tenderness on palpation of the epigastrium. Stool examined by naked eye looked black (malena). Laboratory test was positive for blood in the stool.

18  A patient looks pale, with history of dyspnea on exertion, slightly increased heart rate and the presence of blood in the stool, the following blood test were ordered. 1. RBC count, 2. hemoglobin concentration and 3. hematocrit.

19  RBC count  Hemoglobin concentration  Hematocrit 19

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