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Political Quiz Show Answers. 1.Generally, do you tend to trust or distrust government's ability to solve problems? Trust (0) Distrust (2)

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Presentation on theme: "Political Quiz Show Answers. 1.Generally, do you tend to trust or distrust government's ability to solve problems? Trust (0) Distrust (2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Quiz Show Answers

2 1.Generally, do you tend to trust or distrust government's ability to solve problems? Trust (0) Distrust (2)

3 2a. Which do you trust more: Pentagon 1 or U.S. Postal Service 0

4 b.Trust more? Executive branch 1 or Legislative branch 0

5 c. Trust more? The FBI 1 or The IRS 0

6 d. Trust more? The CIA 1 or The Peace Corps 0

7 e. Trust more? The Joint Chiefs 1 or The United Nations 0

8 3a. What about private institutions and people? Which do you trust more? Trial Lawyers 0 or Doctors 1

9 b. Trust more? Union leaders 0 or Business execs 1

10 c. Trust more? Pro athletes 0 or Team owners 1

11 4. The federal government should do more to solve the nation's problems even if it means higher taxes on (pick as many as you want.): A. You 0B. Big corps0 C. The wealthy 0D. Mid Class 0 E. Small Businesses 0 F. None 1

12 5. Where should government be cut? (pick as many as you want.) A. Eliminate farm subsidies 1 B. Eliminate subsidies to the arts 1 C. Abolish public broadcasting 1 D. Cut Social Security, Medicaid, etc. 1 E. Cut defense spending 0 F. Reduce welfare spending 1 G. Reduce foreign aid 1 H. Keep illegal immigrants from getting public ed. 1 I. Reduce environmental regulation 1 J. Cut taxes 1 K. Don't cut at all 0

13 6. Which would do more to guarantee competitive elections? Term limits 1 or Public Financing 0

14 7. Who was a better president? Ronald Reagan 1 or FDR 0

15 8. Do you see the ideal America as an ethnic "melting pot" in which religious, cultural and ethnic distinctions are blurred, or as a nation in which ethnically diverse groups ought to coexist while retaining their cultural identity? Melting Pot 1 or Multicultural Society 0

16 9. Whose political views do you consider more extreme, those of former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders (drugs and condoms for everyone!) or the Rev. Pat Robertson (“vomit button”)? Elders 1 or Robertson 0

17 10. Which would curb mass shootings the most? Stricter or more uniform gun laws 0 or More people with guns 1

18 11. In the long run, do you think we can reduce crime more by building more prisons or rebuilding our inner cities? Prisons 1 or Inner Cities 0

19 Agree 1 or Disagree 0 12. Even if it means cutting programs, spending must be cut to reduce the federal deficit.

20 Agree 1or Disagree 0 13. The federal government is too big.

21 Agree 1 or Disagree 0 14. U.S. needs to put boots on the ground in Syria to combat ISIS.

22 Agree 0 or Disagree 1 15. Same sex couples should be able to marry or at least be treated as married under law if they so desire.

23 Agree 1 or Disagree 0 16. The news media is dominated by liberals.

24 Agree 0 or Disagree 1 17. The religious right is a threat to our political system.

25 Agree 0 or Disagree 1 18. The federal government should include funds to make abortion services part of any standard benefits package in health care reform.

26 Agree 0 or Disagree 1 19. Deceptive political campaign commercials should be banned.

27 Agree 1 or Disagree 0 20. Graphic video games should be censored.

28 Agree 0 or Disagree 1 21. As a society, we should spend more money trying to find a cure for cancer and heart disease than paying for wars overseas.

29 Agree 0 or Disagree 1 22. Talk radio shows should be regulated to ensure both sides of a debate are represented, because talk radio has an unhealthy impact on the political process.

30 Agree 1 or Disagree 0 23. The breakdown of the traditional family is the most serious domestic crisis facing our society.

31 Agree 0 or Disagree 1 24. Women and racial minorities should be given preferences in hiring until we achieve true gender and racial equality in America.

32 Agree 0 or Disagree 1 25. Certain environmental problems call for government action, even if it means new programs or increased taxes.

33 Your beliefs are closest to... Jesse Jackson Ted Kennedy Hillary Clinton/ Obama Bill Clinton Colin Powell George Bush Jack Kemp/ Romney George W. Bush Ronald Reagan 0510152025303540

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