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RAH Day 33 Enduring Understanding(s) During the 1980s the New Right Conservative movement opposed liberalism on a variety of issues which threatened traditional.

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Presentation on theme: "RAH Day 33 Enduring Understanding(s) During the 1980s the New Right Conservative movement opposed liberalism on a variety of issues which threatened traditional."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAH Day 33 Enduring Understanding(s) During the 1980s the New Right Conservative movement opposed liberalism on a variety of issues which threatened traditional moral ideals and family values. Essential Questions 1.How is the Iran-Contra Affair both a foreign policy and a domestic issue? How does it show conflict between the Executive and Legislative branches? 2.Describe the characteristics and beliefs of the New Right and those of its challengers. 3.Why did the New Right blame Americas problems on the decline of family values? 4.Explain the different stances on abortion in the 1980s and how they reflect cultural values and ideals 5.Explain the effects of AIDS. What groups did it affect most and why? 6.Identify paradoxes in the American response to multiculturalism

2 Iran-Contra Graphic Organizer Essential Question 1: How is the Iran-Contra Affair both a foreign policy and a domestic issue? How does it show conflict between the Executive and Legislative branches? Complete the graphic organizer – Fill in the blanks from the word bank – Read Oliver Norths Testimony from page 359 from your textbook – Then answer the essential question above on the back of the handout.

3 The Iran-Contra Scandal 1.United States sells weapons to _________ who is fighting a war against __________ 2._______ releases ________ to the United States 3.The U.S. _________ for the weapons and sends the ______________ to the ____________ in the Central American country of ____________. This plot is the idea of National Security Council aide _________________. 4.The ________ are battling against the Sandinistas, who are in charge of _______. The U.S. _________ the ___________ because the Sandinistas are ___________ 5.In the fall of 1986 a Lebanese news magazine ______________ the scandal, which _______________ denied 6.In 1987 Congress hears the testimony of _______________ who explains and defends U.S. actions in the scandal. 1 23 4 5 In 1984 Congress passed the __________ Amendment, making it _____________ for the government to fund the _________. Essential Question: How is the Iran-Contra Affair both a foreign policy and a domestic issue? How does it show conflict between the Executive and Legislative branches? Answer on the back. Word Bank Boland Contras communists exposed extra money 6 hostages Illegal Iraq Iran Nicaragua Oliver North overcharged Ronald Reagan supported

4 The Iran-Contra Scandal 1.United States sells weapons to Iran who is fighting a war against Iraq. 2. Iran releases hostages to the United States 3.The U.S. overcharges for the weapons and sends the extra money to the Contras in the Central American country of Nicaragua This plot is the idea of National Security Council aide Oliver North. 4.The Contras are battling against the Sandinistas, who are in charge of Nicaragua. The U.S. supports the Contras because the Sandinistas are communists. 5.In the fall of 1986 a Lebanese news magazine exposed the scandal, which Ronald Reagan denied 6.In 1987 Congress hears the testimony of Oliver North who explains and defends U.S. actions in the scandal. 1 2 3 4 5 In 1984 Congress passes the Boland Amendment, making it Illegal for the government to fund the Contras. 6

5 Individuals – religious leaders Jerry Falwell – Moral Majority, Inc. and Liberty U Pat Robertson - Christian Coalition, Christian Broadcasting (700 Club) Billy Graham Ideological conservatives (Neocons) William F Buckley - National Review William Kristol – The Weekly Standard Phyllis Schlaffly – opposed ERA Paul Weyrich – founded Heritage Foundation Groups Conservative Coalition New Right Evangelicals Pat Robertsons Christian Coalition founded 1988 Moral Majority, Inc. Focus on the Family Republican Party Think Tanks – American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, CATO Institute Conservative Movement

6 Conservative Movement Issues 1.Opposed to abortion 2.promote traditional family structures 3.oppose Equal Rights Amendment 4.promoted prayer in school 5.promoting federal funding for religious schools 6.opposed divorce 1.oppose gun control 2.Shrink or abolish entitlement programs like welfare, Social Security, Medicare and medicaid 3.opposed integration and busing 4.cutting taxes 5.reducing government regulations on businesses 6.govt power to local and state governments 1.Strong anticommunism 2.Stronger national defense 3.Increased military spending Moral Stances Small Government National Security

7 Conservative Movement Readings Actively read pages 19-21 in your packet Answer the 3 questions on page 21b Your answers should be at least 4-5 sentences long for each After you have answered the questions, share your answers with a neighbor.

8 Social and Cultural Conflict Complete Family, Abortion, AIDS, and Immigration/Multiculturalism sections in your groups Describe the issue, then compare conservative to liberal beliefs. Info. is in chapter 364-385 Then, answer the 4 EQs that correlate to each issue. Write the answers down in your notes for CR questions/outline 1.Why did the New Right blame Americas problems on the decline of family values? 2.Explain the different stances on abortion in the 1980s and how they reflect cultural values and ideals 3.Explain the effects of AIDS. What groups did it affect most and why? 4.Identify paradoxes in the American response to multiculturalism

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