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Arc Hydro: GIS for Water Resources David R. Maidment University of Texas at Austin Arc Hydro –Culmination of a 3-yr effort –GIS in Water Resources Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "Arc Hydro: GIS for Water Resources David R. Maidment University of Texas at Austin Arc Hydro –Culmination of a 3-yr effort –GIS in Water Resources Consortium."— Presentation transcript:


2 Arc Hydro: GIS for Water Resources David R. Maidment University of Texas at Austin Arc Hydro –Culmination of a 3-yr effort –GIS in Water Resources Consortium –Customization of ArcGIS for water resources –Arc Hydro toolset and application framework

3 GIS in Water Resources Consortium Bringing together these two communities by using a common geospatial data model GIS Water Resources CRWR

4 Geodatabase MS Access Oracle SQL Server Informix DB2 Feature IFeature : IRow IFeature IFeatureBuffer IFeatureBuffer : IRowBuffer IFeatureDraw IFeatureDraw : IUnknown ArcGIS Introduces A new geographic data model A new geographic database –Stored in an Relational Database (Geodatabase) ArcObjects –Component Object Model (COM) objects that access geographic data –Works like MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, ….

5 What is Arc Hydro? An data infrastructure for storing and integrating hydro data within ArcGIS –A set of hydro objects built on top of ArcObjects –A set of standardized attributes –A vocabulary for describing data (glossary) –A toolset for implementing the data model

6 Geodatabase Model Feature Geographic Object Row in DBMS Table Geodatabase Collection of FeatureDataSets Like a workspace FeatureDataSet Collection of FeatureClasses Like a Coverage FeatureClass Collection of Features Like a Coverage FeatureClass

7 Features are geographic objects stored in relational database tables Feature location is an attribute of type shape –Point, Multipoint, Line, Polygon –Attributes and geometry are stored together not in separate files as in Arc Info 7 and ArcView 3 Features Feature (row) ShapeOID 524X,Y,Z,M,... Stream Type Channel... FeatureClass (table)

8 Feature DataSets A holder for a set of feature classes having a common coordinate system and spatial extentGeoDatabase FeatureClass Feature (row) ShapeOID 524X,Y,Z,M,... Stream Type Channel... FeatureClass (table) Object Class FeatureDataset

9 Extensible Data Model Stream Basin Feature GageConfluence ComplexEdge SimpleJunction NetworkFeature JunctionFeature EdgeFeature Row Measurement

10 Flow Time Time Series HydrographyHydro Network Channel System Drainage System Arc Hydro Components

11 Hydrologic Information System Analysis, Modeling, Decision Making Arc Hydro Geodatabase

12 Arc Hydro Data Model Hydrography Hydrology

13 Streams Drainage Areas Hydrography Channels Terrain Surfaces Rainfall Response Digital Orthophotos Data Model Based on Inventory

14 Data Model Based on Behavior Follow a drop of water from where it falls on the land, to the stream, and all the way to the ocean.

15 Integrating Data Inventory using a Behavioral Model Relationships between objects linked by tracing path of water movement

16 Arc Hydro Framework dataset for USA at 1:500,000 scale Built from USGS and National Weather Service data MonitoringPoints are USGS stream gaging stations Arc Hydro USA

17 Hydro response units are based on the land use map Arc Hydro geodatabase for City of Austin

18 Streams WatershedsWaterbody Monitoring Points Arc Hydro Framework Input Data

19 Arc Hydro Framework

20 Arc Hydro Framework Dataset for the Guadalupe Basin

21 HydroNetwork through Canyon Lake Generic Junction (for topological connection of edges) Flowlines through water body

22 HydroJunction has Waterbody Relationship


24 National Hydro Data Programs National Elevation Dataset (NED) National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Watershed Boundary DatasetElevation Derivatives for National Application (EDNA)

25 Hydrologic Cataloging Units (HUCS) Guadalupe Basin (4 HUC’s) H ydrologic U nit C ode = 12100203 2015 HUC’s cover continental US average area ~ 1 county

26 NWS forecast Watersheds (flooding) EPA TMDL Segments (water quality) TNRCC water availability points (water supply) Guadalupe HydroNetwork Watersheds of the Guadalupe Basin

27 Regional Analysis HydroNetwork to provide connectivity of flow through large regions Digital elevation model for terrain analysis within basins

28 Scales of representation of Drainage Systems Basins – drainage areas for water resources management Catchments – subdivision of Basin into elementary drainage areas by physical rules Digital Elevation Model – land surface terrain grid cells Watersheds – subdivision of Basin for a particular hydrologic purpose

29 Catchments, DrainageLines and DrainagePoints

30 Catchments Subdivided at Watershed Outlet

31 Area to Area Navigation

32 EDNA Catchments Average area = 7.5 km 2 Designed for remapping of Nexrad data onto drainage units


34 Arc Hydro and Modeling Intrinsic Modeling – within a particular application eg Excel, ArcGIS Dynamic Linked Library – tightly coupled package of functions (e.g. LibHydro from HEC) Independent Modeling – separate hydrologic model with data exchange

35 Intrinsic Hydrologic Modeling Dr Tarboton –DEM-based hydrologic modeling Mean annual flows and pollutant loads USGS –Stream Stats Streamstats

36 Analysis, Modeling, Decision Making Arc Hydro Geodatabase Visual Basic ArcGIS Relational Database (Access) Excel Interfaces to Arc Hydro Data and Models

37 Dynamic Linked Library Can have Fortran subroutines in a DLL Muskingum flow routing

38 Independent Hydrologic Model VB progam reads and writes text files


40 Flood Hydrology and Hydraulics ArcView Input Data DEM HEC-HMS Flood discharge HEC-RAS Water surface profiles ArcView Flood plain maps HEC-GeoHMSHec-GeoRAS

41 Austin Digital Elevation Model Waller Creek

42 Austin Watersheds

43 DEM Watersheds for Austin

44 Selected Watersheds and Streams Mansfield Dam Colorado River

45 HMS Schematic Prepared with HEC-GeoHMS Mansfield Dam Colorado River

46 HMS Model of the Austin Region

47 HMS Results Watershed 155Junction 44

48 Colorado River Network 1:100,000 scale Developed from National Hydrography Dataset

49 City of Austin Stream Network Developed from 1”=100’ Capco Areal photogrammetry 1:1200 scale

50 Stream Definition: Waller Creek Austin Watersheds with Streams derived from Aerial Photographs Streamlines generated by the aerial photographs are not always continuous.

51 Waller Creek HMS Model

52 Connecting HMS and RAS Hydrology Model defines flows (HMS) Hydraulic Model defines water surface elevations (RAS)

53 Flood Hydrology and Hydraulics ArcView Input Data DEM HEC-HMS Flood discharge HEC-RAS Water surface profiles ArcView Flood plain maps HEC-GeoHMSHec-GeoRAS

54 Flood Plain Mapping

55 HEC-RAS: Background River Analysis System model of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Input = cross-section geometry and flow rates Output = flood water elevations Cross-Section Schematic

56 Waller Creek Watersheds Channel Network

57 HEC-RAS: Output Text File Graphical

58 Floodplain Mapping: Plan View

59 3D Terrain Modeling: Ultimate Goal

60 What software do you need? ArcView 8.2 –Viewing, querying existing geodatabases –Editing feature classes and adding data Spatial Analyst for ArcGIS –To operate the raster tools in Arc Hydro ArcInfo 8.2 –To build geometric networks and create new relationships

61 Arc Hydro Tools Version 1.0 Raster processing –DEM processing –Watershed delineation Vector processing –Arc Hydro attributes –Network analysis Time Series and Application Utilities Buttons

62 Status of the HEC-related Software HEC-GeoHMS ver 1.0 available from HEC for ArcView version 3 (version 1.1 to be released soon) hms4arcview/geohmsprogram.html hms4arcview/geohmsprogram.html Arc Hydro terrain and watershed functions replace some but not all of HEC-GeoHMS HEC-GeoRAS ver 3.0 ras4arcview/georasprogram.html ras4arcview/georasprogram.html ESRI has developed a beta-version of GeoRAS for ArcGIS (integrated with Arc Hydro)

63 Tools (Dean Djokic)

64 TSDateTime FeatureID TSType TSValue Arc Hydro Time Series Object

65 National Water Information System Web access to USGS water resources data Arc Hydro NWIS data retrieval tool

66 Space Historical daily mean discharge Streamflow statistics Real Time data Streamflow Information in Space and Time Time At Gages Anywhere on a Stream Future PossibilitiesCurrent Streamstats

67 HydroID and HydroCode

68 Retrieving NWIS Data Select Gage Layer Enter Period of Record

69 Streamflow Time Series Arc Hydro Time Series Table

70 Time Series Extracted to Excel (In Excel, use Data/Get External Data to query Geodatabase) Geodatabase view Excel view


72 HRAP Cells for Nexrad Data Average area = 14.5 km 2

73 Coupling Spatial and Temporal Data 1 hour Nexrad Rainfall on the Guadalupe Basin October 13, 2001

74 Water Balance in the Landscape Atmospheric Water Soil WaterSurface Water Groundwater Precipitation Evaporation Runoff Recharge Baseflow

75 EDNA Catchments Average area = 7.5 km 2

76 Intersection of Nexrad and Catchments Atmospheric Water Soil Water Surface Water Surface Water Balance

77 Modflow Groundwater Cells Average area = 2.6 km 2 Modflow Model of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer

78 Intersection of Nexrad and Modflow Cells Atmospheric Water Groundwater Balance

79 Intersection of Nexrad, Catchments and Modflow Atmospheric Water Soil WaterSurface Water Groundwater


81 DHI Tools for TimeSeries Management and Analysis –Manages TimeSeries Data at the GeoDatabase level An ArcHydro based GeoDatabase Import from a variety of formats (DHI, USGS, text file) Query for Data Types –Manages TimeSeries Data for Features Plot Statistics Query for Time Periods –Performs Calculations and Analysis Mean Area Rainfall –Thematic groups of time series Water Users (Industrial, Irrigators) Data Types (Rainfall, Evaporation)

82 Import TimeSeries USGS USGS Bridge HEC Bridge dfs0 Bridge Geo Database HEC dfs0 Slides provided by Michael Blongewicz, DHI Water and Environment, Denmark

83 Manage TimeSeries Data within ArcMap

84 At the GeoDatabase level

85 At the Feature level

86 Feature based; update Properties, plot, statistics

87 Geoprocessing and Terrain Analysis (Steve Kopp)

88 River Modeling  River hydraulic modeling provides a tool to study and gain understanding of hydraulic flow phenomena  Topographic data describe the geometry of the simulated river system and permit the establishment of model topology  HEC-RAS, MIKE 11 hydraulic models require channel information for model development

89 River Morphology

90 Flood Inundation

91 Floodplain Delineation


93 Channel and Cross-Section Direction of Flow Cross-Section Channel

94 ProfileLines Types 1- Thalweg 2- LeftBank 3- RightBank 4- LeftFloodLine 5- RightFloodLine ProfileLines and CrossSections are linked through Channel_ID

95 TIN as a source of cross-sections

96 CrossSections

97 Data for channels Bathymetry data for channels mainly include points with (x,y,z) attributes. Data can be collected using –Traditional methods (surveying) –Depth sounder (using a boat) –LIDAR ( Light Detection and Ranging) –SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar), etc.

98 Data analysis (Research of Venkatesh Merwade, CRWR) Start with points Create surface from points Centerline/Thalweg Cross-sections ProfileLines Extract all the necessary information How do we do this…….

99 Defining a Thalweg Input Step 1Step 3Step 4 Output User defines an arbitrary centerline over the measurement points Thalweg tool creates a surface using the measurement points Normals are drawn at each vertex of the centerline to locate deepest points All the deepest points replace the vertices of the old centerline Final result is a 3D polyline defining the thalweg Densify the initial centerline to get more points Old vertices New vertices Step 2

100 Measure in ArcGIS A PolylineMZ can store m and z at each vertex along with x and y coordinates. 0 64.0056 112.3213

101 Coordinate Transformation m is measure along the centerline r is distance across the river from the centerline Sinuous river becomes straight when transformed into (m,r) co-ordinates.

102 A “straightened” channel! x y m r Coordinates measured along and across the channel Northing and Easting Coordinates

103 Surface in transformed co-ordiantes Sinuous river Profile line and cross-sections Straightened river

104 Straightened channel as a 3D Fishnet

105 Transform the data back to x,y coordinates Original river in X,Y Profile lines and cross-sections in (x,y) created using FishNet in (m,r).

106 Profile Lines and Cross Sections in 3D Bird’s eye view!

107 Breaklines Profile lines are actually breaklines but they are created using a surface. Need a methodology to create breaklines before generating a surface (especially TIN) in order to handle false dams.

108 Measurement pointsSurface Thalweg/CenterlineCross-sections ProfileLines Fishnet GIS for River Channels Develop generic ways to create all the channel features from measurement points. This task is almost finished.

109 Cross-sections comparison Cross-section without breaklinesCross-section with breaklines Both cross-sections are created using a TIN.

110 Channel Movie The channel of the Brazos River near Sealy, TX. Bathymetry is recorded using a depth sounder from a boat. Land surface is represented using NED and DOQ

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