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Welcome to the Partners in Care programme Web session two The session will start at midday Dr. Lynne Maher Director for

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Partners in Care programme Web session two The session will start at midday Dr. Lynne Maher Director for"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Partners in Care programme Web session two The session will start at midday Dr. Lynne Maher Director for Innovation @LynneMaher1

2 Partners in Care programme Web session two Engage Start to capture Think about baseline measures Dr. Lynne Maher Director for Innovation @LynneMaher1

3 Background noise- we can hear you! If you are able to mute your phone please do so until you want to speak to the groupBackground noise- we can hear you! If you are able to mute your phone please do so until you want to speak to the group The ‘chat’ box – you are able to write a note/question in the chat box at any time. Please just use the ‘general’ chat box and not the specific Q&A oneThe ‘chat’ box – you are able to write a note/question in the chat box at any time. Please just use the ‘general’ chat box and not the specific Q&A one

4 Agenda for today’s web session Check in - how are you all doing? Check on ‘homework’ Engage, capture and measures Workbook review dates- –By 5pm, Thursday 22 January 2015 –By 5pm, Thursday 28 May 2015 Time for questions

5 No choice… homework task Confirm the area that this work will focus in Identify who your main stakeholders are Think carefully about how you communicate with them What is your message? Create an initial time/resource plan Plan to engage some patients… who, where, when

6 Capture

7 “If I had an hour to save the world, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute finding solutions.” Albert Einstein

8 How? Collect stories and thoughts from both patients and staff –Structured conversations –Story boards –Still photography and film provides compelling illustration –Diaries Observe patients and staff delivering and receiving the service

9 Patient pictures / storyboards / film / conversations can be highly impactful Blisters/Lumps/Ulcers/Polyp/ WartyThings/Necrosis/ Lesions/NaughtyTumour/ Aggressive/Progressing/ Precancerous

10 Experience questionnaire - developed by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement adapted by many © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2009

11 What ‘capture’ methods are you planning / starting to use – put a note in the chat box/ raise your hand to share Questions?

12 Baseline measures AIM CHANGE MEASURE RAPID CYCLE IMPROVEMENT Langley et al. “The Improvement Guide: A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance.” What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know if a change is an improvement? What changes can we make that will result in improvement? PLAN DO STUDY ACT

13 Initial thinking Work through the Model for Improvement, Aim, Change and Measure. Predict what you think is right for each of these. Use Capture as a baseline… what is the experience now What are the additional data that you can also use for example; number of complaints, number of falls, waiting time, hospital readmissions?

14 Reduction in Time Reduction in duplication Reduction in steps Increase in Safety: reduction in error and cost Improve Patient Experience: Reduction in handoffs Reduction in complaints Increase in Effectiveness Adherence to standards/protocols; reduction in variation Measure the improvement: the quantitative perspective

15 Measuring “ what matters more than raw data is our ability to place these facts in context and deliver them with emotional impact” Daniel Pink –A whole new mind 2008 © NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2008

16 Measure improvement: the qualitative perspective Collect stories and pictures Observe Use mapping techniques Before and after – from and to

17 C:\Documents and Settings\mark.mugglestone\My Documents\institute\EBD\wendy teal pics\small\pebbles2small (Small).jpg


19 Questions?

20 Work book Who has looked at the workbook? Please start to complete: –Section 1 - Preparation –Section 2 - Capture –Section 6 - Webex session 1 and 2 Workbook sharing progress to date is to be submitted by 5pm Thursday 22 January 2015

21 Time check Our next web session is on Tuesday 27 January 2015 That is 40 days away… but 8 days off for Christmas = 32 days. You should be well on your way to engaging and starting to capture patient/ staff experiences by this time. The workbook needs to be sent to me in 27 days.

22 Merry

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