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Civil Rights Review. To show that a county has done reasonable effort to provide programs to a diverse audience! Presentation Goal: make it easier throughout.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Rights Review. To show that a county has done reasonable effort to provide programs to a diverse audience! Presentation Goal: make it easier throughout."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Rights Review

2 To show that a county has done reasonable effort to provide programs to a diverse audience! Presentation Goal: make it easier throughout the year to file required documents as you go to ensure smooth reviews

3 Civil Rights Compliance Review Guide Latest version Reviewed every 3 years 22 page document 6 sections IV is 4-H related

4 Section a: Attendance Records Attendance records File - 1/year File with Event & Activity Summary sheet attached to sign sheets Educational events use attendance sheets & competition use registration Attendance sheets contain ▫ Title of Event, Date, Estimated number of people, Race & Gender Not expected for large event *Compile as obtained


6 Notifications News Articles Print your news articles with non-discrimination clause and place in file After the paper runs the article cutout article, name of paper, and date glue on a paper Staple 2 articles together to show that you did submit article with non-discrimination clause and the paper choose to not print it Newsletters Flyers Program specific Handouts *Compile as obtained

7 Section b: Plan of Work Plan of Work file – file Timelines Club Management File – File yearly plan ES237 File – file Report yearly *Reports need to show reasonable effort to reach minorities *Compile Annually

8 Organized Groups receiving significant assistance If one person gets the card it can be copied for other areas Example – civil groups Section c: Certification of organized groups for non-discrimination


10 Section d: PAC List of Council members ▫ name, address, group, term, race & gender ▫ use excel sheet provided by state/district staff Map with key


12 Section e: Constitution & Bylaws State Membership Guidelines County Handbook and/or Bylaws Must have non-discrimination cause included in document

13 Section f: Mailing List Youth Adult Grassroot *All need to be scored at the top with total number, race and gender

14 Section g: Maps of 4-H Clubs & Groups Maps should include a key Show areas that clubs cover Include a list of clubs that cover the entire county

15 Section h: Awards State Awards Handbook County Handbook Banquet Scripts County Awards List Must include selection requirements

16 Section i: Volunteer Leaders File with a list of leaders ▫ Include name, club, type of leader, race and gender VAC File ▫ use the page from the Club Management Report Volunteer files - signed - check sheet in each file - locked cabinet

17 Section j: Special Efforts Include any special efforts that have been used to recruit and involve minority leaders

18 Used to determine “parity” of participation Is participation equal or equivalent to the population of the county Parity Charts

19 Parity Charts: Table 1

20 Parity Charts: Table 2

21 Parity Charts: Table 4

22 Parity Charts: Table 5

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