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Photosynthesis Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis Lab

2 Lab Objectives To explain and observe photosynthesis using spinach leaves To understand the methods and tools used in a simple experiment

3 Materials Heat lamp Water/Baking Soda/Soap solution Spinach leaves
Hole-punch Ruler Colored cellophane Cups Syringe Paper towels Timer Tape

4 Procedures Collect materials.
*Record your two assigned colors of cellophane 2. Punch out 30 spinach discs using hole-punch. 3. Put 10 discs into each syringe barrel after removing plunger and tap until they get to bottom.


6 Procedures Continued 4. Replace plunger and fill syringe with 6-8 mL of sodium bicarbonate solution. The leaf discs should be floating. Hold syringe tip end up and expel air by depressing plunger carefully. Hold finger over tip of syringe and pull back on the plunger (not all the way). Release finger and repeat until no discs are floating. You have removed oxygen from the spaces in the leaf discs and replaced it with the solution.


8 Empty discs into cup. Fill cup with 100 mL of solution. Put square of cellophane over the top of the cup and tape it securely. Set cups 18-19” away from the bottom of the lamp (record the distance). Turn lamp on and start timer.

9 Procedures Continued Record the number of floating discs in each cup after each minute that passes until all 10 discs are floating. Turn lamp off. Empty cups into sink. Throw away spinach. Clean tables and put supplies back.

10 Data Data table: what should it look like?

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