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INFOSEM Community Network of Sexual Minorities in India respond to HIV Epidemic Supported by, UNDP India.

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1 INFOSEM Community Network of Sexual Minorities in India respond to HIV Epidemic Supported by, UNDP India

2 INFOSEM proposal Goal: Supporting endeavours of the sexual minority communities in India to respond to the HIV epidemic and participate in the social and political life of the country as equals. Objective 1: To set up an MSM / TG Technical Support Facility (or Secretariat) to facilitate the process of capacity building of CBOs on a sustained basis Objective 2: To conduct the 2011 annual general meeting for INFOSEM Objective 3: Sec 377 follow up advocacy plan and on ground initiatives Objective 4: Preparing a Background (Discussion) paper on ‘Legal recognition and legal rights of Hijras/transgender women in India: Current Situation, Gaps, and Recommendations’

3 Objective 1: To set up an MSM / TG Technical Support Facility (or Secretariat) to facilitate the process of capacity building of CBOs on a sustained basis Revision and distribution of business plan, advocacy strategy national MSM / TG HIV strategy document “Evidence to Action” prepared through consultations among all MSM / TG networks in India during 2006-07 to all SACS offices in the country Preparation of an updated India map to assess the geographical spread and concentration of existing MSM / TG organizational resources (CBOs and NGOs) (map to be reviewed annually) Maintaining and supporting the Secretariat website with a professional web master, knowledge management office and executive director (part time)/project manager. Transgender task force/ caucus is set up and functional within the INFOSEM structures Supporting one WAY FORWARD meeting of INFOSEM to assess the progress of the Secretariat and take policy decisions regarding future plan of action of the network

4 Objective 2: To conduct the 2011 annual general meeting for INFOSEM Activities for Objective 2 Supporting annual meetings of INFOSEM: A meeting of all 108 members will be convened in October 2011(21st and 22nd TBD) to implement the decisions taken at the last meeting. This meeting will also serve as a reference point to share the audited accounts and progress made on pehcaan project, GFTAM round 9. The meeting will be held in Mumbai and will be for 2 days

5 Objective 3: Sec 377 follow up advocacy plan and on ground initiatives Activities for objective 3 Undertake Legal Empowerment of sexual minority groups in India through their INFOSEM Network Undertake advocacy with mainstream society on Legal discrimination against sexual Minorities Provide support by way of small grants for INFOSEM members for efforts by the communities’ network for the amendment of section 377 and other discriminatory provisions.

6 Objective 3: Sec 377 follow up advocacy plan and on ground initiatives…contd The INFOSEM will set up CAB (community advisory board) and hold meetings with CAB and the governing board to review and award small grants up to a maximum for 2.5 – 3 lakhs rupees for around 12 INFOSEM member organisations. The CAB will also have participation from Alliance, UNAIDS and UNDP as observers in the process.

7 Objective 4: Preparing a Background (Discussion) paper on ‘Legal recognition and legal rights of Hijras/transgender women in India: Current Situation, Gaps, and Recommendations’ The background (discussion) paper once completed should be able to: Provide the current situation of the legal status of the gender identity/status (presence or absence of, or ambiguity or silence) and legal rights of 'Hijras'/TG women. Present comprehensive information about the laws in other countries in relation to sex change operation, and feminisation procedures; and changing the sex in the legal documents (such as birth certificate and driver’s license) – i.e., legal recognition of the gender identity/status of TG women Clarify the legal status of the sex change operation and the legal validity of the certificate offered by the health care provider that states the sex of the person (who have undergone SRS). Provide potential models for laws related to legal recognition of the gender identity/status and what could be more appropriate in the Indian context (including details of the pros and cons of the different legal models).

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