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By: Laura Lynn Predator VS. Prey Gaazhegens VS. Ozhaawashko-Bineshiinh.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Laura Lynn Predator VS. Prey Gaazhegens VS. Ozhaawashko-Bineshiinh."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Laura Lynn Predator VS. Prey Gaazhegens VS. Ozhaawashko-Bineshiinh

2 Where The Blue Bird Can Be Found…  Blue birds are usually found in fields, open woodlands, parks, along golf courses, or in other open areas.  When you leave your car out in the open expect some bird poo on your windshield.

3 Habits Of The Common Household Cat… CCats are usually found sleeping in the sunlight or curled up beside you. TThey are very affectionate. TThey love to be petted and given attention. TThey sometimes rub themselves against you.

4 Why Do Birds Sing?  It is usually the male bird who sings.  In the early spring he sings to say that he has picked out a piece of property.  He sings to attract a female of his same species.  He also sings to keep the other birds away from his nest and his family.

5 Why Do Cats Do That?  Why does a cat purr?  Why do cats rub against you?  Why does your cat bring you dead or dying animals?  Why do cats bite your ankles?

6 Cats Do This Because…  Cats purr because it is content and older cats purr to get a person to play with it.  Cats rub against you because they have scent glands in their tail, on each side of their head, and on their lips. They want to leave their scent on their owner.  Cats bring you dead or dying animals because it is one sign of affection and she is simply taking care of you by making sure you have fresh food.  The reason why cats like to bite your ankles is because they like to surprise attack and they like to have mock battles.

7 Why Do Cats Eat/Chase Birds….?  Cats have a bundle of instincts and are carnivores. They will play with anything that moves because they are hunters. They never mind that the birds are a tasteless cat-toy. They do what comes natural.  They hunt just for the fun.

8 I want to say thank you to:  Rebecca Dallinger for putting on the program.  Brian Norman for being our computer nerd.  Joe Courneya  Steve Maanam  Steve Dahlberg  Cayla Bellanger for being our smart printer/computer lady.  And last but not least…… Cheyenne Bellanger for coming with me and being my B.F.F.

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