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Higher PE Preparation of the Body Lesson 11- Describing a training session - Describing your training programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Higher PE Preparation of the Body Lesson 11- Describing a training session - Describing your training programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher PE Preparation of the Body Lesson 11- Describing a training session - Describing your training programme

2 Today we will Starter Task – Structure of answer Group Task – Scaffolding of answer Individual Task - Building your answer Lesson 11- Describing a training session - Describing a training programme Tomorrow we will Group Task – Structure of answer Building your answer

3 Structure of answer Starter Task 1.Using the pieces provided and the word bubbles fit the jigsaw together. 2.Using this information create a structure in your jotter for how you would describe a training session Allocated Time – 5 Minutes

4 Structure of answer Introduction Aspect of Fitness Method of Training Phase of season Duration of Session Warm-Up 1.Pulse raising  describe, explain why necessary 2.Static Stretching,  describe, why necessary 3.Dynamic stretching  description, why appropriate Cool Down What did you do Why essential Fartlek Work – Out-with Activity 1.Definition of Method 2.Description of how you used method 3.Detailed description of one session Links should be made to Specificity Duration Frequency Intensity Conditioned Game – Within Activity 1.What is a conditioned game 2.Why finish with a conditioned games 3.Describe a conditioned game

5 Describing a training session Introduction Aspect of Fitness Method of Training Phase of season Duration of Session Warm-Up: pulse raising, what you did and why appropriate static stretching, what you did and why appropriate dynamic stretching, what you did and why appropriate Training Programme: Define Method Describe how you used method Give a detailed description of one session – link to Specificity/Duration/Frequency/Intensity Game Work: What you did – describe conditioned game from football, benefits of this Cool Down: What did you do, why important

6 Scaffolding of answer Group Task Instructions 1.Completed in silence, no discussion at this point 2.Number yourself 1-4 3.Start by completing the box relevant to your number Allocated time – 3 minutes 4.Move 1 seat to the right 5.Review the information in the box – 1 minute 6.Add to the information Allocated time – 3 minutes 7.Repeat steps 4-6 a further twice

7 Scaffolding of answer Warm – up 1 Fartlek, out-with activity 2 Conditioned Game, within activity 3 Cool Down 4 Pulse Raising Jogging Shuttle Runs Increase blood flow Increase O2 Supply Increase temp Prepare mentally Static stretching Lengthen muscles Dynamic stretching Leg muscles Prepare for explosive action Increase HR Specific to football and my role Benefits of fartlek Duration of run Duration of rest Frequency of run Frequency of sprint, jog and walk Motivating Definition of fartlek Lower HR HR return to normal Static stretching Lengthen Muscles Increase flexibility Force Lactic Acid Out Reduce risk of injury Prevent muscle soreness Speed up recovery Develop skill level Work of tactics Adapt rules Investigate CRE improvement in game Encourage continual movement Develop understanding of role Midfield must attack & defend Intensity of run 10s Pulse Count Link to cardio training zone

8 Individual Task – Building your answer Task 1 Using the key information from your group task Write an answer to Sections 1 & 2 (Introduction and Warm Up) Quality v Quantity The quality of your work is more important than the quantity of writing in this task Allocated time 6 minutes

9 Individual Task – Building your answer Task 2 Using the key information from your group task Write an answer to Sections 3 (Fartlek, out-with the activity) Quality v Quantity Remember the quality of your answer is more important than the quantity of writing in this task Allocated time 6 minutes

10 The term fartlek is Swedish for - ‘speed play.’ Fartlek training involves continuously working for a period of time. Within this time the intensity at which you works varies. Usually it involves continuously running with short sprint bursts followed by a slower recovery and then more continuous paced running. However any exercise which allows you to work at differing intensities can be used i.e. cycling, swimming Define method of training+ What is ‘fartlek training’

11 Individual Task – Building your answer Task 3 Using the key information from your group task Write an answer to Sections 4 (Conditioned game, within the activity) Quality v Quantity Remember the quality of your answer is more important than the quantity of writing in this task Allocated time 5 minutes

12 Higher PE Lesson 11 – Part 2 Lesson 11- Describing your training programme

13 Describing a training programme To improve my ___________________ during the __________________ of the season I completed a ____________________. To improve my CRE I used _________________ as it was specific to CRE and nature of my position. Although I applied progressive overload every two weeks each session within my 6 week training programme followed a similar pattern. Sessions started with a _____________ before starting my __________________ session. After completing my _____________ work I participated in a _____________________ before completing a _____________. Introduction Aspect of Fitness Phase of season Duration of programme Method of Training Each training session followed a similar pattern Warm–up Fartlek/Interval session Conditioned game Cool down

14 Week 1 & 2 Referring to the principles of training (SPORRT) Describe Week 1&2 of your programme Frequency Duration Intensity Explain that you retested at the end of week 2 – name the test (don’t describe the test) Specific Progression Overload Reversibility Rest Tedium How many days a week Which days & why How many sets Total session 3 x ___ minutes Rest time % Max HR 10s Pulse Count

15 Week 3 & 4 Explain how you used the principle of training as a result of your interim test results Principles Considered Specific Progression Overload Explain changes to Frequency Duration Intensity Explain that you retested at the end of week 4 – name the test (don’t describe the test)

16 Applying Progressive Overload Group Task Bullet point how you overload your fartlek training programme Principles of Progression & Overload Overload any fartlek session by Week 1 & 2 Duration Frequency Intensity Week 3 & 4 Duration Frequency Intensity Week 5 & 6 Duration Frequency Intensity

17 Week 3 & 4 Explain how you progressively overloaded as a result of your interim test results Explain changes to Frequency Duration Intensity Explain that you retested at the end of week 4 – name the test (don’t describe the test) Week 5 & 6 Explain how you progressively overloaded as a result of your interim test results at the end of week 4 Explain changes to Frequency Duration Intensity Explain that demands of session were game-like as you were about to enter competition phase

18 Homework Task – Answering the question Due: Monday 27 th October ANSWER IN YOUR TRAINING DIARY 1.Describing your six week training programme. 2.Describe one training session you have undertaken.

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