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STARTER ACTIVITY Match the following aspects of physical fitness to their definition. The ability to move your body or part of your body quickly. The ability.

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Presentation on theme: "STARTER ACTIVITY Match the following aspects of physical fitness to their definition. The ability to move your body or part of your body quickly. The ability."— Presentation transcript:

1 STARTER ACTIVITY Match the following aspects of physical fitness to their definition. The ability to move your body or part of your body quickly. The ability of muscles to repeat contractions without tiring. The range of movement around a joint. The ability to transport sufficient oxygen to the working muscles during sustained activity. Is the force muscle exert when they contract. Is the combination of strength and speed. Cardio respiratory endurance Power Strength Local muscular endurance Flexibility Speed

2 STARTER ACTIVITY The correct answers are as follows! The ability to move your body or part of your body quickly. The ability of muscles to repeat contractions without tiring. The range of movement across a joint. The ability to transport sufficient oxygen to the working muscles during sustained activity. Is the maximum amount of force a muscle(s) can exert in a single effort. Is the combination of strength and speed. Cardio respiratory endurance Power Strength Local muscular endurance Flexibility Speed

3 Answers To Your Homework. Skills related fitness definitions Agility – is the ability to move the body quickly and precisely. Agility requires both flexibility and speed. Balance – is the ability to retain the centre of gravity over your base of support. Balance requires the control of different groups of muscles. Co-ordination – is the ability to control movements smoothly and fluently. Groups of muscles need to work in a specific sequence to create effective movements. Reaction Time – is the time taken between the recognition of a signal and the start of the movement. It is linked to speed. Timing – the ability to react at just the right moment. Movement Anticipation – is the ability to predict accurately the next set of movements that you need to make.

4 KEY CONCEPTS (KEY FEATURES) TO THINK ABOUT TODAY. 1.Fitness assessment in relation to personal performance and the demands of the activities. 2.Application of different types of fitness in the development of activity specific performance (rugby, hockey, gymnastics). 3.Physical, skill related and mental types of fitness. 4.Principles and methods of training. 5.Planning, implementing and monitoring training in pursuit of personal goals.

5 Key Concept 5: Planning, implementing and monitoring training PERIODISATION. Many performers structure their long term planning through periodisation. “PERIODISATION is the organisation of the training into a carefully considered plan which involves different into a carefully considered plan which involves different periods of training, each period having its own specific periods of training, each period having its own specific aim and purpose.” aim and purpose.”

6 Three main PHASES OF TRAINING: 1.PREPARATION PHASE/PERIOD 2.COMPETITION PHASE/PERIOD 3.TRANSITION PHASE/PERIOD 1.PREPARATION PERIOD/PHASE. 1 st phase Includes pre-season training General exercise training followed by more specific Cover strengths, weaknesses and existing fitness levels

7 2.COMPETITION PERIOD/PHASE. Allows you to maintain your fitness and peak for particular competitions. Fine tune your preparation with a specific event or competition in mind. Period of tapering down your training prior to competition in order to avoid any training fatigue. Tapering down also allows you to complete your physical and mental preparations for competition. Following the competition you will need a brief recovery time before continuing with your training.

8 3.TRANSITION PERIOD/PHASE. Follows the competitive season. Need for a period of active rest. Marks the split between the end of one season and the start of the new preparation phase for the next. It is important to have a definite break from competitive activity. It is important to retain a level of general fitness through this time.

9 Methods of training (Physical Fitness Training Methods – Training OUTWITH The Activity. Continuous Training Includes any exercise (e.g. running, swimming, cycling) that ensures the heart rate is operating in your training zone for approximately 20- 30 minutes for 3-4 sessions per week. It develops CRE. Circuit Training Fixed circuit of set tasks (8-12 stations). General exercises alternating between major muscle groups. Develops CRE or muscular endurance. Fartlek Training- Varied Pace Develops CRE by continous running linked to your training zone requirements. Develops anaerobic fitness by short, faster sprints. Interval Training Any form of exercise that allows a work/rest interval to be easily calculated e.g. swimming or running. Flexibility Training Forms of flexibility exercises which allow passive stretching.

10 HOMEWORK: 1.Explain the phase of training you will be in during the summer. 2.Explain the methods of training you will use during this phase.

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