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2 nd Quarter MANCOM MEETING Finance and Administrative Division April 23, 2014.

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1 2 nd Quarter MANCOM MEETING Finance and Administrative Division April 23, 2014


3 MOOE - MANDATORY EXPENSES REGIONABRAAPAYAO BAGUIO/ BENGUET IFUGAOKALINGAMT. PROV.TOTAL Water61,200.0024,300.0015,300.0034,200.0020,700.0025,200.0018,900.00199,800.00 Electricity240,000.00144,000.00 72,000.00144,000.00 1,032,000.00 Postage and Delivery 66,000.003,000.00 6,000.003,000.00 87,000.00 Telephone229,200.0024,000.00 48,000.0024,000.00 397,200.00 Mobile183,600.0030,600.00 43,800.0030,600.00 380,400.00 Internet132,000.0036,000.0014,400.00102,000.0024,000.0050,400.0014,400.00373,200.00 Cable21,600.006,000.00 8,400.006,000.00 60,000.00 Office Rental2,010,232.80330,000.00 -576,000.00277,200.00270,000.00210,000.003,673,432.80 Janitorial Services 132,600.00102,960.0087,120.00 105,600.0087,120.00602,520.00 Security Services 416,196.00 244,098.00 660,294.00 Fidelity Bond40,500.005,437.50 6,937.505,437.50 74,625.00 Insurance40,000.009,000.00 94,000.00 Sub-Total 3,573,128.80715,297.50338,857.501,150,435.50631,057.50673,237.50552,457.507,634,471.80 BUDGET ALLOCATION FOR CY 2014 STAFF COMPLEMENT REGIONABRAAPAYAO BAGUIO/ BENGUET IFUGAOKALINGA MT. PROV. TOTAL Plantilla 42141020131512126 warm bodies 26137181013996

4 MOOE NON - MANDATORY EXPENSES BUDGET ALLOCATION FOR CY 2014 REGIONABRAAPAYAO BAGUIO/ BENGUETIFUGAOKALINGAMT. PROV.TOTAL Travelling Expenses 1,012,800.00259,200.00255,000.00364,800.00 278,400.00 268,800.00 201,600.002,640,600.00 Staff Training 800,000.00 Office supplies 489,600.00194,400.00122,400.00 273,600.00 165,600.00 201,600.00 151,200.001,598,400.00 Accountable Forms Expenses 20,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 34,000.00 Gasoline and Oil Lubricants 192,000.00 79,200.00 115,200.00 158,400.00 79,200.00 86,400.00 789,600.00 Other Supplies Expenses 96,000.00 Representation Expenses 330,000.0010,000.00 390,000.00 Subscription Expense 30,000.007,200.00 73,200.00 Advertising Expense 2,000.00 1,000.00 8,000.00 Printing and Binding 293,200.00 40,000.00 60,000.00 40,000.00 553,200.00 Transportation and Delivery Expense 72,000.005,000.00 102,000.00 Auditing Expenses 84,000.00 5,000.00 114,000.00 Other Professional Services 303,600.0043,890.0045,300.00 54,500.00 103,200.00 138,100.00 688,590.00 Office Equipment Maintenance 50,000.00 10,000.00 110,000.00 Furnitures and Fixtures- Repair and Maintenance 20,000.00 Machinery and Equipment 84,000.0028,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 28,000.00 26,000.00 254,000.00 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 108,000.0043,200.0086,400.00 43,200.00 86,400.00 453,600.00 Extraordinary Expenses 38,000.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 72,000.00 Other MOOE 53,400.00 17,100.00 12,300.00 24,300.00 15,900.00 18,300.00 15,900.00 157,200.00 Sub-Total 4,150,600.00 745,190.00 736,800.00 1,061,000.00 793,700.00 719,300.00 785,800.00 8,992,390.00

5 MOOE PRIORITY PROGRAMS BUDGET ALLOCATION FOR CY 2014 REGIONABRAAPAYAO BAGUIO/ BENGUET IFUGAOKALINGAMT. PROV.TOTAL Market Dev't. for Cordi Products 20,000.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 140,000.00 CWD Activities 150,000.0020,000.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 290,000.00 Diskwento 35,000.00 70,000.00 35,000.00 245,000.00 ISO (QMS) 71,428.57 500,000.00 EGIP (2 months) 26,400.00 39,600.00 66,000.00 39,600.00 290,400.00 SMERA 71,250.00 59,375.00 118,750.00 59,375.00 83,125.00 59,375.00 451,250.00 Price Billboards 330,000.00 Sub-total 577,828.57 257,278.57 245,403.57 406,178.57 245,403.57 269,153.57 245,403.57 2,246,650.00 - Total Non-Mandatory Expenses 4,728,428.57 1,002,468.57 982,203.57 1,467,178.57 1,039,103.57 988,453.57 1,031,203.57 11,239,040.00 Total Mandatory and Non-Mandatory 8,301,557.37 1,717,766.07 1,321,061.07 2,617,614.07 1,670,161.07 1,661,691.07 1,583,661.07 18,873,511.80 TOTAL - MOOE8,301,557.37 1,717,766.07 1,321,061.07 2,617,614.07 1,670,161.07 1,661,691.07 1,583,661.07 18,873,511.80 Percentage to Total budget 34%7%5%11%7% Total Budget Allocation for CY 2014 P 24,231,000.00 Less: Total MOOE Requirement 18,873,511.80 UNPROGRAMMEDP 5,357,488.20

6 2014 BUDGET ALLOCATION VS. 2013 BUDGET REGIONABRAAPAYAO BAGUIO/ BENGUETIFUGAOKALINGAMT. PROV.TOTAL 2014 budget allocation 8,301,557.37 1,717,766.07 1,321,061.07 2,617,614.07 1,670,161.07 1,661,691.07 1,583,661.07 18,873,511.80 2013 budget 8,814,512.08 1,319,297.50 1,002,657.50 2,214,655.50 1,274,047.50 1,208,857.50 1,092,512.08 16,926,539.66 Increase (512,954.71) 398,468.57 318,403.57 402,958.57 396,113.57 452,833.57 491,148.99 1,946,972.14 % of Increase -6%23%24%15%24%27%31% REGIONABRAAPAYAO BAGUIO/ BENGUET IFUGAOKALINGAMT. PROV.TOTAL 2014 budget allocation 8,301,557.37 1,717,766.07 1,321,061.07 2,617,614.07 1,670,161.07 1,661,691.07 1,583,661.07 18,873,511.80 2013 budget utilization 8,029,535.28 1,387,682.95 1,044,489.852,140,686.24 1,395,574.38 1,381,098.29 1,069,582.95 16,448,649.94 Increase272,022.09 330,083.12 276,571.22476,927.83 274,586.69 280,592.78 514,078.12 2,424,861.86 % of Increase 3%19%21%18%16%17%32% 2014 BUDGET ALLOCATION VS. 2013 BUDGET UTILIZATION

7 NOTES:  Allocation for QMS equally divided among the 7 units  Allocation for wage of Job Orders is until June 2014 with the assumption that all vacant positions will be filled up NLT July 1, 2014  Allocation for price billboards will be 2nd priority: BTRCP might download funds  Allocation for Travelling Expenses is still 1,600/ pax per month except for DTI - Apayao which is 2400/pax/per month  Allocation for supplies is still 1200/per pax/per month  Additional allocation for travel expenses and supplies is provided for additional staff to be hired based on the approved staff complement  There is a 20% increase for gasoline cost and repair of motor vehicles as a result of aging  50% Increase for electricity cost for additional aircons, except for Benguet BUDGET ALLOCATION FOR CY 2014

8 FUND UTILIZATION – MOOE As of March 31, 2014 AllocationUtilizationBalance% of Utilization REGION 8,301,557.37 1,777,353.54 6,524,203.83 21% ABRA 1,717,766.07 206,698.12 1,511,067.95 12% APAYAO 1,321,061.07 274,673.03 1,046,388.04 21% BAGUIO/ BENGUET 2,617,614.07 386,446.94 2,231,167.13 15% IFUGAO 1,670,161.07 165,895.01 1,504,266.06 10% KALINGA 1,661,691.07 301,785.02 1,359,906.05 18% MT. PROVINCE 1,583,661.07 226,421.00 1,357,240.07 14% UNPROGRAMMED5,357,488.20- 0% TOTAL24,231,000.00 3,339,272.66 20,891,727.34 14%

9 FUND UTILIZATION – GPB As of March 31, 2014 AllocationTransferBalance% of Utilization REGION 626,350.00 11,000.00615,350.00 1.76% ABRA 6,460,000.00 15,000.006,445,000.00 0.23% APAYAO - -- - BAGUIO/ BENGUET 1,712,500.00 15,000.001,697,500.00 0.88% IFUGAO 5,937,500.00 15,000.005,922,500.00 0.25% KALINGA 2,825,250.00 32,475.002,792,775.00 1.15% MT. PROVINCE 3,929,400.00 15,000.003,914,400.00 0.38% TOTAL 21,491,000.00 103,475.0021,387,525.00 0.48%

10 MONTHLY CASH PROGRAM 2 nd Quarter 2014 APRILMAYJUNETOTAL MONTHLY NCA 7,935,000.00 9,264,000.00 7,835,000.00 25,034,000.00 Balance forwarded - 470,357.08 247,094.66 Total for the month 7,935,000.00 9,734,357.08 8,082,094.66 Personal Services (PS) 2,317,320.80 4,628,690.30 3,537,320.80 10,483,331.90 Regular MOOE 564,882.12 653,882.12 1,077,833.86 2,296,598.10 BUB 4,402,500.00 3,898,750.00 3,200,000.00 11,501,250.00 SMERA 140,940.00 422,820.00 EGIP 39,000.00 165,000.00 126,000.00 330,000.00 Total Requirement 7,464,642.92 9,487,262.42 8,082,094.66 25,034,000.00 Balance 470,357.08 247,094.66 -

11 ABRA APAYAO BENGUETIFUGAOKALINGAMT. PROVINCER.O.TOTAL JAN FEB 17,475.00 MAR 1,000,000.00 100,000.00400,000.00 875,000.00 165,525.00 2,537,525.00 APR 2,200,000.00 812,500.00 730,000.00 600,000.00 60,000.00 4,402,500.00 MAY 270,000.00 300,000.001,400,000.00 635,000.001,750,000.00 60,000.00 4,415,000.00 JUN 740,000.00 156,000.00 726,000.00 807,750.00 200,000.00 60,000.00 2,689,750.00 JUL 875,000.00 442,500.00 934,400.00 60,000.00 2,311,900.00 AUG 724,500.00 200,000.00 621,250.00 250,000.00 10,000.00 1,805,750.00 SEP 875,000.00 90,000.00 170,000.00 60,000.00 1,195,000.00 OCT 912,750.00 144,000.00 166,250.00 38,175.00 1,261,175.00 NOV 612,750.00 144,000.00 38,175.00 794,925.00 DEC 60,000.00 TOTAL 6,460,000.00 - 1,712,500.005,937,500.002,825,250.003,929,400.00 626,350.0021,491,000.00 GPB MONTHLY CASH DISTRIBUTION PER PROVINCE

12 PROVINCEDESCRIPTION AMOUNT GRANTED AMOUNT UTILIZED UNUTILIZED BALANCE ABRA 2013 FundsSSF Activities 10,000.00 0.00 DECEMBERBusiness Resource Center 500,000.00 0.00 SSF Procurement 500,000.00180,116.19319,883.81 2014 Funds FEBRUARYSave More Diskwento Caravan 14,180.002,598.4811,581.52 MARCHCompetitiveness Index Survey 5,000.00 GPB Project 15,000.00 PGA 6,500.00 TOTAL 1,050,680.00692,714.67357,965.33 APAYAO 2013 Funds DECEMBERSSF Activities 10,000.004,780.005,220.00 Business Resource Center 500,000.00 0.00 SSF Procurement 500,000.00 0.00 2014 Funds 21,100.00 March Competitiveness Index Survey 131755510,000.00 TOTAL 1,020,000.001,004,780.0015,220.00 STATUS OF FUND TRANSFERS – MOOE As of March 31, 2014

13 PROVINCEDESCRIPTION AMOUNT GRANTED AMOUNT UTILIZED UNUTILIZED BALANCE BENGUET 2013 Funds JULYPDAF2,280,569.00 0.00 NOVEMBERPDAF2,219,431.00 0.00 DECEMBERSSF Activities10,000.00 0.00 Business Resource Center500,000.00499,867.00133.00 SSF Procurement500,000.00177,109.50322,890.50 2014 Funds 0.00 JANUARYRepresentation Allowance17,500.00 0.00 Transportation Allowance10,000.00 0.00 FEBRUARYRepresentation Allowance17,500.00 0.00 Marketing Promotion Assistance6,000.00 0.00 Transportation Allowance10,000.00 0.00 MARCHRepresentation Allowance17,500.00 0.00 Bookkeeping Training16,734.006,634.0010,100.00 Competitiveness Index Survey35,000.00 0.00 Transportation Allowance10,000.00 0.00 GPB Project15,000.00 TOTAL 5,665,234.005,317,110.50348,123.50 STATUS OF FUND TRANSFERS – MOOE As of March 31, 2014

14 STATUS OF FUND TRANSFERS – MOOE As of March 31, 2014 PROVINCEDESCRIPTION AMOUNT GRANTED AMOUNT UTILIZED UNUTILIZED BALANCE IFUGAO 2013 Funds AUGUSTBamboo Industry 109,430.0051,658.8657,771.14 NOVEMBERSSF Manual of Operation 8,345.00 0.00 OCTOBEREnhancing OTOP thru Pro Dev't 53,465.00 0.00 DECEMBERBusiness Resource Center 500,000.00305,854.83194,145.17 SSF Procurement 500,000.0092,636.43407,363.57 2014 Funds 0.00 MARCHCompetitivess Index Survey 5,000.00 MARCHGPB Project 15,000.00 TOTAL 1,191,240.00511,960.12679,279.88 KALINGA 2013 Funds DECEMBERSSF Activities 10,000.004,710.005,290.00 NOVEMBERBusiness Resource Center 500,000.00 0.00 DECEMBERSSF Procurement 500,000.00 0.00 2014 Funds 0.00 JANUARYBUB Writeshop 17,475.00 0.00 Slipper Making 1,960.00 0.00 FEBRUARYUllalim Agro-Industrial 11,182.00 0.00 MARCHSSF Orientation Workshop 6,510.00 0.00 Skills Training on Abca Production 12,764.50 0.00 Competitivess Index Survey 10,000.00 GPB Project 15,000.00 Total 1,084,891.501,054,601.5030,290.00

15 PROVINCEDESCRIPTION AMOUNT GRANTED AMOUNT UTILIZED UNUTILIZED BALANCE MT. PROVINCE Prior Years Fund PDAF-LGU400,000.00 0.00 2013 Funds DECEMBER SSF Activities10,000.006,300.003,700.00 SSF Procurement500,000.00 Business Resource Center500,000.00497,575.002,425.00 2014 Funds 0.00 JANUARY 0.00 FEBRUARY 26,480.0019,780.006,700.00 MARCH 26,480.0019,780.006,700.00 MARCHCompetitiveness Index Survey5,000.00 GPB Project15,000.00 Total1,482,960.00943,435.00539,525.00 GRAND TOTAL - POs11,495,005.509,524,601.791,970,403.71 STATUS OF FUND TRANSFERS – MOOE As of March 31, 2014

16 ITEM/DESCRIPTIONUOMQTY UNIT COST TOTAL COSTSTATUS Computer Setsset276,900.00153,800.00 delivered March 3, 2014, for installation Laptopset266,500.00133,000.00 delivered March 3, 2014, for installation Laser Printer, Colored (BDD)unit144,900.00 delivered March 3, 2014, for installation Photocopier/Risounit198,600.00 delivered February 14, 2014, installed LCD Projectorunit125,995.00 delivered March 3, 2014, for installation Digital SLR Cameraset142,000.00 delivered March 3, 2014, for installation Sub-total 498,295.00 Junior Executive Table (Solid wood/combo) unit1310,000.00130,000.00 fabrication on-going Junior Executive Chairunit86,995.0055,960.00 for delivery Executive Chairunit38,995.0026,985.00 for delivery Reception Couch (at least 3-piece)set 17,500.000.00 cancelled Voice recorderunit39,600.0028,800.00 for delivery Digital SLRunit147,995.00 for delivery Window blindslot1116,984.00 delivered & installed Office Exhaust/Ventilation systemlot174,355.00 delivered & installed Sub-total 481,079.00 GRAND TOTAL 979,374.00 UNUTILIZED 20,626.00 STATUS OF BRC – REGIONAL OFFICE ( As of April 21, 2014 )

17 Thank you! Have a Nice Day! /fjbg

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