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Continuing The Last of the Mohicans Get out dialectical journal (due tomorrow night) and books; finishing film today; books due Wednesday.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuing The Last of the Mohicans Get out dialectical journal (due tomorrow night) and books; finishing film today; books due Wednesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuing The Last of the Mohicans Get out dialectical journal (due tomorrow night) and books; finishing film today; books due Wednesday

2 Cover Analysis The mood or tone of a story is the author's attempt to create the atmosphere of story. The mood evokes an emotional response from the reader and lets the reader know how the characters feel. It may stay the same throughout a story, or it may change, depending on circumstances and events. The author's descriptions and the characters' dialogue and actions express the mood of the story. Mood can be stated or implied. Give your impressions of the mood conveyed by the title and jacket artwork in a free write. There are three covers to choose from. After read a small section of the book, to see if the mood changes from what you wrote. If not, write the change.

3 Cover #2Cover #3 Cover #4

4 Introducing… James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) Was born in New Jersey; went to school in Albany; studied for a time at Yale; joined the US Navy and spent 5 years at sea Married in 1811 to Susan De Lancey; settled in New York First novel was Precaution (1820) Although he started writing rather late, he soon established himself as one of America’s leading authors. Published not only novels and romances, but also conservative political essays and non-fictional works. Interesting to note, Cooper has received both criticism and acclaim for his writing. From 1826-1833 he traveled around Europe Cooper died in Cooperstown

5 Time & Place The Last of the Mohicans occurs during the French and Indian War, also known as the Franco-British War, in North America in 1757. A map of upstate New York bordering on Canada, depicting the area covered in the story, should help you to follow the storyline 

6 Themes Racial Interaction: There are many instances in the book where people of different races and nationalities are brought together, often with undesirable consequences. Disguises: The red and blue painted face of Heyward was a success because the Indians found him funny and didn’t harm him. However the animal skin of Hawkeye did not fool Magua. David Gamut’s continual singing is also a form of disguise in that the Indians don’t know what to make of him and therefore do not hurt him. Love: Heyward is in love with Alice, and Uncas with Cora, but it is not clear what the girl’s thoughts are. Even if Uncas had not dies, it is unlikely he would have married Cora because at the time, an Indian marrying a white woman was unheard of. However, Heyward’s chances of marrying Alice were very high.

7 Plot Summary The most popular of Cooper's Leatherstocking Tales, The Last of the Mohicans takes place in 1757 during the French and Indian War and recounts the story of an unarmed massacre, the kidnapping of two sisters, and their rescue by Hawk-eye and his two Mohican friends Uncas and Chingachook. The novel was quite popular when published (1826) and is still a staple in most American Literature courses. However, although The Last of the Mohicans was a very popular book when it was written, it is less popular among modern readers. Many people only read it as an assignment for a literature class. Mark Twain heavily criticized Cooper's style. Uh oh haha

8 Trailer

9 Assignment & Discussions of novel thus far Dialectical Journal: questions? Discussions

10 Character list Lots of names and characters so far…read through the list with your group and discuss. I have taken out some things so as to not spoil the book

11 Discussions P25 p4: Have you ever had someone (family, friends) try to “warn” you about something and you essentially talked them out of being worried/didn’t listen to their concerns? Discuss/share out P35 p4- lovely visual Stopping in p36, let’s discuss how women are described in the story so far. Look back and we will discuss and share out P38 p6- ummmmmm P40 p2- have you even been in a situation like this? You forget about a situation/circumstance you are in because of something? Discuss/share out P42 p3: all the talk of scalping! Let’s discuss where we have been with killings this year P48 p4 & p51 p2: love? P52p1: the sound?? Who else had issues with psalms being sung in our studies? But, for the same reasons? P57 p7: once we know what the noise is, can you relate? Ever heard something and thought it was one thing, turned out to be another? Or what about the perfect timing? After the song, the cry…seem to go together. Any relate to that?

12 Continue reading… 69-98 Chapter 8-10

13 Discussions P84p1: which song has helped you through something? Or which song do you listen to in order to lift your spirits. If you have a sample, can you play? Discuss and share out P88p4: what about a time when you were caught and it was unexpected? Discuss and share out P97p2: what about a time when you were lost? Or have you gone hiking and left a trail? Discuss and share out

14 Continue reading… 99-132 Chapter 11-13

15 Discussions P105p1: What is the best reward you have ever received? What did you do to earn it? P118p1: discuss a time when you were so happy something was over P127p3: what is the funniest, weirdest, scariest dream you can remember? OR: p127p4: discuss at time you woke up from a nap and had no idea of the day, time, etc. Did you do or say something crazy?

16 Continue reading… 133--170 Chapter 14-16

17 Discussions P133 and morep3: What is the most beautiful scenic sight you have even seen? Where was it? P135all: have you ever experienced seeing a ghost or what you thought was a ghost but ended up being… P144 (and earlier)p3: any stories about fog? Interesting story on p160: As a young man in Scotland, he was in love with a girl named Alice Graham, but her father refused permission for them to marry. Munro joined the army and ended up in the West Indies, where he married a woman who was remotely descended from a slave. She gave birth to Cora. Munro now assumes that Heyward has rejected Cora because of her mixed-race ancestry. Heyward assures him that this is not so. Munro continues his story. When his wife died, he returned to Scotland and found that for twenty years Alice Graham had remained faithful to him. He married her, and she gave birth to Alice. Any love stories such as the one above?

18 Continue reading… P171---205 Chapter 17-19

19 Discussions P175p1: Any stories about revenge? P179p1,2,3: Baby situation NOT OK P182p1,2: Can you remember the time you became truly independent in your life so far? P185p2: Do you have any “trinkets” from family members who have passed that are special to you? P188p1: Yesterday we talked about the most beautiful scenic sight…today, can you think of the most horrific sight you have even seen? P204-205: Where/when did you get the best sleep of your life that you can remember? And why

20 Continue reading… P206-239 Chapter 20-22

21 Discussions P233p7: Did you ever come up with a wild plan that worked…or did not work? P235p3: With Halloween approaching, what was your favorite costume growing up?

22 Continue reading… P240-271 Chapter 23-25

23 Discussions Ch25: Any stories about wild animals?? Ch25: Any stories about fainting? Not sure if anyone faints much as Alice, but anyways…

24 Continue reading… P272-299 chs 26-28

25 Discussions P277p3: If this is you, explain a situation. If this is not you, how have you gotten though a trying circumstance. P277-278p6-8: wow…been seeing situations like this on the news recently. More forgive then seek revenge.

26 Continue reading… Finish the book by Thursday and we can start the film Friday? Assignment due 10/20 by 11:59PM via student portal PSAT Wednesday…

27 Film “What is an American?”: Investigate Hawk-eye/Nathaniel’s character

28 Clips 0:00-8:00- The first scenes of the movie show Hawk-eye hunting with his adopted Mohican family and interacting with frontier settlers in their cabin. This section also includes an initial meeting of settlers where Hawk-eye makes known his feelings about service to the British. 24:00-33:30: Hawk-eye tells Cora how his family was killed and his adoption by the Mohicans. He explains his belief system 1:29:00-1:36:00: In one of the final scenes, Hawk-eye speaks with the Sachem (leader) of the Huron about the practices of Native Americans and Europeans

29 Questions Raised How are Hawk-eye’s loyalties formed? What are his notions of savagery and civilization? What are Cora’s? Who/what is savage to him? Why? How do we define civilization and/or savagery? How is his outlook similar or different to: A- American settlers. B- English. C- Mohicans. D-Hurons? With whom does he most closely identify? Can he be seen as a composite character? Who in the film could we classify as an American? Why? What are his/her qualities, characteristics?

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