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Anne Frank Test Question Preview All of the following questions will be “fair game” on the test tomorrow. Feel free to discuss the questions with a partner.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Frank Test Question Preview All of the following questions will be “fair game” on the test tomorrow. Feel free to discuss the questions with a partner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Frank Test Question Preview All of the following questions will be “fair game” on the test tomorrow. Feel free to discuss the questions with a partner. You MAY use your book on the test tomorrow.

2 Anne Frank Test What do I need to know? – How much time was the Frank family in hiding? – Why did the Franks need to go into hiding early, before Mr. Frank had the annex totally prepared? – Why did Mr. Frank feel obligated to let the VanDann family hide with his?

3 More Questions: How do you know at the very beginning of the play that the events will turn out tragically? How many of the original 8 people who hide in the annex go on to survive? What important object does Mr. Frank find in the annex in the first scene?

4 More Questions: What could indicate that Peter is slightly spoiled? Why do you think Peter pays so much attention to Mouschi at the beginning of the play? Give examples of the Van Daan’s selfishness.

5 More Questions: Give examples of Peter being ashamed of each of his parents. What news does Mr. Dussel share when he arrives? What does Mr. VanDaan think of the burglar?

6 More Questions: What unites the group after the scare with the burglar? What physical hardships do people in the annex face? Give some foreshadowing that the group will be captured.

7 More Questions When does the climax of the play occur? Be able to name static and dynamic characters in the play. Good Luck!!!

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