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Chapter 12 Review Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 Review Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12 Review Energy

2 What is a device that changes electricity or other forms of energy into mechanical energy?

3 What is the bending of light as it passes from one transparent material into another?

4 What is a back-and-forth motion?

5 What is the sudden movement of electric charges from one object to another object?

6 What is a path through which electric current can flow?

7 What is a wave that transfers sound through matter called?

8 What formed when electric current flows through wire wrapped in coils around an iron bar?

9 What is a device that produces alternating current by spinning an electric coil between the poles of a magnet?

10 What do sound waves travel through?

11 Sound travels most quickly through (a) ______________.

12 What kind of an object completely blocks light from passing through?

13 We use sound waves in a _______ device to detect objects under water.

14 What kind of circuit is shown below?

15 Which of these three metals is not attracted to a magnet?

16 What is a tool used to refract, or bend, light?

17 What is the number of wavelengths that pass a reference point in a given amount of time?

18 What kind of colored clothing makes a person feel hotter in the summer?

19 All matter is made up of tiny particles called ___________.

20 What kind of circuit is shown below?

21 What is the area of magnetic force around a magnet called?

22 Like poles on a magnet will _____________ each other.

23 Light travels more slowly through materials that are ____________.

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