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Category Points 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Electric Energy Light.

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Presentation on theme: "Category Points 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Electric Energy Light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Category Points 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Electric Energy Light Energy Heat Energy Magnetism and Sound

2 Category 5 Points This word means a path along which electrons can flow.

3 Category 5 Points An electric circuit

4 Category 10 Points This kind of electrical circuit has only one way for the electricity to flow.

5 Category 10 Points A series circuit

6 Category 15 Points This kind of electrical circuit has more than one way for the electricity to flow.

7 Category 15 Points A parallel circuit

8 Category 20 Points What is the word for a material that does allow the electricity to flow?

9 Category 20 Points Conductor

10 Category 25 Points What is the word for a material that does not allow the electricity to flow?

11 Category 25 Points Insulator

12 Category 5 Points What provides the light energy for the Earth?

13 Category 5 Points The Sun

14 Category 10 Points What do plants use light energy for?

15 Category 10 Points For photosynthesis (to make their own food)

16 Category 15 Points What does reflection mean?

17 Category 15 Points When light energy bounces off an object

18 Category 20 Points What does refraction mean?

19 Category 20 Points When light energy passes through and object and changes direction (is bent)

20 Category 25 Points What can be used to separate white light into a rainbow?

21 Category 25 Points A prism

22 Category 5 Points What provides the heat energy for the earth?

23 Category 5 Points The Sun

24 Category 10 Points What is the energy that causes changes in the water cycle?

25 Category 10 Points Heat energy from the sun

26 Category 15 Points What is the boiling point of water?

27 Category 15 Points 100°C (212°F)

28 Category 20 Points At what temperature does ice melt?

29 Category 20 Points 0° C (32° F)

30 Category 25 Points What happens to molecules of water when heat is added?

31 Category 25 Points More heat energy causes the molecules to move faster

32 Category 5 Points Using a battery, a copper wire, and an iron nail can make ___ __________.

33 Category 5 Points An electromagnet

34 Category 10 Points What causes sound energy?

35 Category 10 Points Vibrations

36 Category 15 Points Will the two magnets attract or repel? SSNN

37 Category 15 Points Repel SSNN

38 Category 20 Points Light energy and sound energy both travel in _____.

39 Category 20 Points Waves

40 Category 25 Points Why is there no sound on the moon?

41 Category 25 Points Because there is no air to carry the vibrations

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