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Presentation on theme: "AP LITERATURE AND COMPOSITION October 13, 2009 Ms. Cares."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP LITERATURE AND COMPOSITION October 13, 2009 Ms. Cares

2 AGENDA: 1. Quiz on “Professions for Women” and “The Rose of the World.” 15 minutes. Please note: if you are late, you may either have less time to finish or return during 10 th period to take an alternate quiz. 2. Discussion of Woolf’s essay: what is her issue with Patmore’s poem? Does this resonate today? 3. Feminist criticism: a formal examination of the literary theory.

3 “Professions for Women”  What is Woolf’s main point regarding “professions for women?”  How is Woolf’s argument reliant on or connected to socioeconomic status?  What rhetorical or literary devices does Woolf use to make her argument?

4 Literary Criticism – Quick Review  We utilize different schools of literary criticism to unpack texts in different ways.  For example, sometimes we are interested in the time period in which a piece was written (historical criticism). At other times, we may be interested in the relationship between individuals of different social classes (Marxist criticism) or – simply – the way that the text makes us, as readers, feel (reader response theory).

5 Feminist Criticism  More recently, this has also been called gender theory.  Feminist literary criticism is literary criticism informed by feminist theories or politics.  Its history has been varied, from classic works of female authors such as George Eliot and Virginia Woolf to cutting-edge theoretical work in more recent years.

6 Feminist Criticism  In the most general sense, feminist literary criticism before the 1970s was concerned with the politics of women's authorship and the representation of women's condition within literature  Since the arrival of more complex conceptions of gender and subjectivity, feminist literary criticism has taken a variety of new routes. It has considered gender in the terms of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis and has examined gender as part of the deconstruction of existing power relations.

7 What does this mean for us?  We will continue examining texts using various schools of literary criticism, including feminist theory.  We will consider the role of gender, the construction of gender, and the power of gender within various texts.

8 Homework:  Read Margaret Atwood’s “Siren Song.”  Apply feminist theory to the text to answer the following question: -How does the Siren’s gender affect her condition? (Or, how is her condition a product of her gender?)

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