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FFocuses on language, structure, and tone IIntrinsic Reading vs. Extrinsic FFormalists study relationship between literary devices and meaning.

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3 FFocuses on language, structure, and tone IIntrinsic Reading vs. Extrinsic FFormalists study relationship between literary devices and meaning

4  Analyze how a work might follow actual events in an authors life.  Analyze how characters may be based on people known by the author.  Sometimes it can answer questions or further confuse the reader.  Can at the very least serve as a control on interpretation.

5  Sigmund Freud- The founder of psychoanalytic theories. Dreams Unconscious Desires Sexual Repression Aspects of Psyche Id Ego Superego

6 Oedipus Complex- a boys unconscious rivalry with his father for his mothers love and his desire to eliminate his father in order to take his fathers place with his mother. Electra complex- a daughters unconscious rivalry for her father.

7  Historical critics use literature as a window into the past because literature often provides hints of the past that are not available in other sources.  This strategy uses history as a means of understanding a work of literature better.  Historical critics see literature as a product of their times, shedding light on historical situations and times.

8 This category claims that literature may transcend time to the extent that it may concern readers over the years, even centuries. Followers of this category understand that it remains a part of the past in which it was made, a past that can reveal more fully a work’s language, purposes and ideas.

9  Marxist readings hold the heightened interest in radical reform. These critics look at literature as a means of aiding the proletarian social and economic goals.  Marxist critics focus on the ideological content of a story or book. They focus upon what takes place within the book, implicit and explicit values and assumptions about matters such as culture, race, class, and power.  They stress that all criticism is political in some way, and that even if it attempts to ignore class struggles, it is politicized, because it supports that status quo.

10  Emphasizes the interaction between the historical context of the literature and the modern reader’s understanding & interpretation of the text  Read the historical period in all dimensions  Stresses that the history we read is reconstructed

11  Like New Historicists, but pays particular attention to popular ideas present within the work  Focus upon what the literary works reveal about the culture; their values, their norms, and what they believed in  Use eclectic strategies taken from New Historicism, Psychology, Gender Studies, and Deconstructionism  Analyze not only literature, but radio talk shows, comic strips, calendar art, commercials, travel guides, baseball cards, etc.

12  Postcolonial Criticism is the study of cultural behavior and expression in relation to the formerly colonized world.  Refers to the analysis of literary works written by writers who lived in countries that were at one time controlled by a colonial power.  The term also refers to the analysis of literary works written about colonial cultures by writers from the colonizing power.

13  Ask what is masculine and what is feminine  A type of Gender Criticism is Feminist, which places literature in a social context like Marxism. It explains how images of women in literature reflect patriarchal social forces that impede full equality.

14  Also referred to as archetypal  Interpret hopes, fears, and expectations of a culture  Focus on how humans account for their lives symbolically  Since myths try to explain universal experiences, they follow similar patterns  Look for underlying, recurrent patterns

15  What is in reader’s mind not in the writing  Meaning evolves with reader, writing does not have a formula or pattern  About reader’s feelings not about meaning  About how a reader’s experiences, memories, and impressions shape the meaning of the text

16  Literary works do not have fixed meanings  Disestablish meaning rather than establish  Focus on gaps, ambiguity, patterns  Argues that close examination will reveal conflicting, contradictory impulses that "deconstruct" or break down its apparent unity

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