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Vitamins Organic molecules. Minerals Inorganic Trace minerals needed in very small amounts.

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Presentation on theme: "Vitamins Organic molecules. Minerals Inorganic Trace minerals needed in very small amounts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vitamins Organic molecules

2 Minerals Inorganic Trace minerals needed in very small amounts

3 Nervous System Function: collects information about the body’s internal and external environment, processes that information and responds to it

4 Impulses Name given to the messages carried by the NS which are actually electrical signals Cells that transmit impulses are Neurons


6 The Nerve Impulse Electric potential

7 Resting Potential -70 mV(millivolts)

8 Action Potential


10 Threshold: The minimum level of a stimulus that will cause an impulse

11 What happens when impulse reaches end of neuron?!


13 Synapse: space between neurons Neurotransmitter: chemicals that carry impulse across the synapse


15 Reflex Arc

16 Reflex: quick, automatic response to a stimulus Sensory Neuron: type of nerve cell that receives information from sense receptors and carries it to CNS –Sensory Receptor: transmit information about internal and external changes in the environment (types….p. 906) Interneuron: type of nerve cell found in the spinal cord; processes information for a reflex Motor neuron: type of nerve cell that carries directions from interneurons to muscles or glands

17 Effector: muscle or gland stimulated by the motor neuron


19 CNS…spinal cord and BRAIN!! Contains billions of neurons and other supporting tissue Must process, relay and form responses to huge amounts of information and stimuli Largest region: Cerebrum

20 Cerebrum Responsible for voluntary or conscious activities Site of intelligence, learning and judgement Deep groove divides cerebrum into right and left hemispheres Hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum Each hemisphere divided into lobes!

21 Outer layer of cerebrum= CEREBRAL CORTEX –Consists of grey matter –Where actual processing occurs –Thoughts, planning, learning –Folds and grooves…increase surface area!


23 White Matter –Inner layer of cerebrum –Actually bundles of axons and myelin sheaths –This layer still a bit of a mystery…..

24 Cerebellum: coordination and balance Medulla: controls involuntary processes –Ex: regulation of blood pressure, beating of your heart, breathing, peristalsis –Part of the brain stem


26 Thalamus: receives info from sensory receptors and sends it to correct part of cerebrum to be processed Hypothalamus: control center for recognition and analysis of hunger, thirst, fatigue, anger and body temperature

27 Limbic system: emotion, behavior and memory –Area under heavy research!! –Amygdala: long term memory and emotional learning

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