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This instructional power point was prepared by staff at Lower Columbia College Spring 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "This instructional power point was prepared by staff at Lower Columbia College Spring 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 This instructional power point was prepared by staff at Lower Columbia College Spring 2010

2 Initial Hopes Define Task Identify Options Select Sources Analyze Content Evaluate Present Finding Have students identify a product they would be interested in purchasing (such as a vacuum cleaner or dishwasher) Locate a place to purchase the item (such as an ad in the Sunday paper) Find a review of the item (such as from a neighbor or from the company’s web site) Compare different brands. Decide which one would be best. Tell the class what is decided.

3 PROBLEM Marquita discovered that the students had so little computer experience that she couldn’t have them working with online sites. She revised the program.

4 New Tack Have students learn to use the yellow pages to find resources.

5 Phone Book Students: practiced alphabetizing learned to categorized followed “see” references found specific information in various sections of the phone book

6 Scenario to Plan Marquita gave the students a story/scenario. A protagonist had a problem, and had to find and evaluate information to solve his problem.

7 Students had to identify their own need. Define Task Identify Options They had to write a question reflecting a need for information: Where is a good place…? They had to identify one place – selected from the phone book - where they could get information about that need.


9 Instructor provided assistance. Marquita looked up possible web sites or other official sources of information


11 Students had to find information. Select Sources Analyze Content/ Evaluate Went to web sites. Used drop down menus. Used links. Used yellow pages. Used community resource guides. Answered questions such as: how much, where, when…?

12 Student Successes Define Task Identify Options Select Sources Analyze Content Evaluate Present Findings All students could ask a question Some could identify options They had trouble finding the information They could evaluate for price only.

13 Analysis There were up to 20 students in a combined Level 1-2 class - too many to teach this much. Teaching both computer skills and information- hunting skills is over-ambitious for Levels 1-2.

14 To do this again Let students decide question Limit searching to personal and paper-based resources Build in more communicative tasks. Compress the time frame;

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