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2 WARM UPS 1. The first battle of the Civil War occurred at: A. Atlanta
B. Gettysburg C. Antietam D. Fort Sumter

3 2. Sherman wanted to capture Atlanta because:
A. It was a major railroad hub and its capture would disrupt southern industry B. It was the southern capital and its capture would end the war C. It was the only city that interfered with Union trade on the Mississippi River D. It was home of Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia

4 Why did the North win: Foundation
INDUSTRY Well organized government Strong plan of attack (Anaconda Plan) South: AGRICULTURE Poorly organized government Lack of clear overall battle strategy

5 Resources

6 Why did the North win: Population
19 million people at the beginning of the war This meant North could devote more manpower to the war South: Slightly over 9 million (3.5 million slaves)

7 Slave/Free States Population, 1861

8 Why did the North win: Manufacturing
Factories were able to supply Union army with arms, munitions, equipment South: Lacked factories with the ability to mass produce weapons

9 Resources: North & the South

10 Why did the North win: Food Production
Could produce food and get it to troops with railway system South: Could produce food but didn’t have transportation system to get it to them

11 Why did the North win: Railroads
Extensive system with 20,000 miles of rail Had 96% of all rail equipment South: 9,000 miles of rail Disputes between states did not allow for rail lines to be built crossing state lines

12 Railroad Lines, 1860

13 President Lincoln’s Role
President Abraham Lincoln’s main goal was to : keep the Union together In order to accomplish this goal Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus. - Suspended the writ of habeas corpus means- took away the guarantee that a person cannot be imprisoned without being brought before a judge

14 Lincoln’s Words Gettysburg Address:
Dedication of Gettysburg cemetery; encouraged Union to survive and the nation to reunite 2nd Inaugural Address: Expressed hope of reunited nation without slavery, sorrow over losses suffered, and vision for rebuilding South Emancipation Proclamation: Jan. 1, 1863:Executive order that freed slaves in Confederate states; maintained slavery in border states loyal to Union

15 The War Ends The Civil war ended on April 9, 1865 at the Appomattox Court House where Lee surrendered. What was the punishment to southerners? Period known as Reconstruction 6 days later President Lincoln was assassinated. Date: April 14, 1865 Assassin: John Wilkes Booth

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