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National Science Foundation Mathematics & Science Partnerships Program (MSP)

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Presentation on theme: "National Science Foundation Mathematics & Science Partnerships Program (MSP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Science Foundation Mathematics & Science Partnerships Program (MSP)

2 Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Professional Development On Improving Mathematics and Science Instruction Council of Chief State School Officers University of Wisconsin - Madison American Institutes for Research A Collaborative Study conducted by

3 The Purpose of the Study is to determine: Whether professional development (PD) activities supported by MSP programs are consistent with research-based qualities of PD The effects of PD on mathematics/science instructional practices and content How MSP programs use study findings to improve PD effectiveness

4 Study Instruments & Data Collection Survey of Enacted Curriculum (SEC) - Spring / Summer of 2003 - Winter of 2005 Professional Development Activity Log (PDAL) - From Summer 2003 to Summer 2004 Professional Development Interview (PDI) - Fall of 2004

5 Professional Development Instructional Practices Student Activities Professional Development Instructional Content Winter 2005 Instructional Practices Student Activities Professional Development Instructional Content Summer 2003

6 School & Class DescriptionHomework AssignmentClassroom PracticesStudent ActivitiesUse of Educational TechnologyAssessment UseInstructional InfluencesInstructional PreparationTeacher OpinionsProfessional DevelopmentTeacher CharacteristicsInstructional Content

7 Survey of Enacted Curriculum Informed consent - Voluntary - Confidential (seal envelope) Back cover information - Contact information Target class / Reporting period 60 to 90 minutes

8 Instructions for Selecting the Target Class Mathematics Instruction -- For all questions about classroom practices, please refer only to activities in the mathematics class you teach. If you teach more than one mathematics class, select the first class that you teach each week. If you teach a split class (i.e. the class is split into more than one group for mathematics instruction) select only one group to describe as the target class.







15 Professional Development Activities Log (PDAL)

16 Characteristics of the PDAL Provides monthly report of professional development including MSP-sponsored and non-MSP-sponsored activities Documents one-time and recurring activities Captures formal and informal professional development activities

17 Accessing the PDAL Teachers will receive detailed instructions Each teacher will log in once a month starting at the end of June 2003 and continuing for 15 months On average, takes about 15 minutes per month A reminder notice will be sent before the 15 th of the month, the entry close out date Log entry can be saved and re-accessed later Once finalized, no revisions will be allowed Data are maintained confidentially using user name and password protection



20 PDAL and Follow-up Interviews A small sample of teachers will participate in interviews about the quality and application of their PD experiences documented in the PDAL Teachers will be asked to maintain copies of PD materials as part of the data resources (for example, course syllabus)

21 Teacher Incentives Review | Reflection | Planning Examine the alignment of instruction with content standards Secure on-line access to individual results Honoraria

22 Contact Us: Kwang Suk Yoon American Institutes for Research 202-944-5358 or Andra Williams Council of Chief State School Officers 202-336-7029 or

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