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The Provision of Residential Housing in the Borough Housing Benefit Mavis Bishop – Customer Relations Manager Safe - clean - healthy - prosperous - excellent.

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Presentation on theme: "The Provision of Residential Housing in the Borough Housing Benefit Mavis Bishop – Customer Relations Manager Safe - clean - healthy - prosperous - excellent."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Provision of Residential Housing in the Borough Housing Benefit Mavis Bishop – Customer Relations Manager Safe - clean - healthy - prosperous - excellent - Creating a better Southend

2 Safe - clean - healthy - prosperous - excellent - Creating a better Southend What is it?  Financial help for individuals towards rent  Administered by the Local Authority on behalf of Central Government What is it for?  To provide assistance to people and families on a low income to retain a roof over their head

3 Safe - clean - healthy - prosperous - excellent - Creating a better Southend Who Does it Help?  Council Tenants4550  Tenants of Registered Social Landlords and HAs2160  Tenants of the Private Rented Sector7200  Working People on a low wage  People who move in and out of work  People unable to work  Pensioners

4 Safe - clean - healthy - prosperous - excellent - Creating a better Southend Who Can Claim It?  People who have a liability to pay rent and - Who are on a low income, and - Have capital and savings of less than £16,000

5 Safe - clean - healthy - prosperous - excellent - Creating a better Southend Our Customers  Single persons, couples and families  Employed, unemployed, elderly, young and people with a wide range of disabilities  The common factor is that they all live in the Borough and have a low income -Our customers are not static – whilst those in secure accommodation may stay in one home for years, there is considerable turnover amongst claimants -Both in terms of moving in and out of benefits, and -Movement between sectors  The type of accommodation they occupy is predominantly 1-2 bedrooms (76%); 3 bedrooms (21%)

6 Safe - clean - healthy - prosperous - excellent - Creating a better Southend Our Landlords  The Council is the largest landlord with 6,300 rental properties and 500 leasehold properties  RSLs and HAs have 3,400 rental properties  2,200 Private Landlords currently let to benefit claimants

7 Safe - clean - healthy - prosperous - excellent - Creating a better Southend Issues  Supply of affordable good quality accommodation  Rent Levels - Top up / Discretionary Housing Payments / Local Housing Allowance  Hard to reach groups

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