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Storage Processes Go to this web site to review six cognitive processes that affect long term memory storage and see a power point.

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Presentation on theme: "Storage Processes Go to this web site to review six cognitive processes that affect long term memory storage and see a power point."— Presentation transcript:

1 Storage Processes Go to this web site to review six cognitive processes that affect long term memory storage and see a power point. Exploratorium: The Memory Exhibition San Francisco Exploratorium's Memory Site: articles, lectures and memory games. Why Study is Important? Learning Theory describes how learning occurs and explains the learning process. Understanding the learning process Helps the instructional designers develop strategies to have successful learning outcomes. Scroll and select cognitivism. Affecting Factors of Long-Term Memory Storage Go to this web site to review factor affecting long-term memory storage. There is also a power point presentation Resources

2 Gage’s Information Processing Model and its Implications to Instructional Design The Information Processing Model and its usefulness to instructional designers is discussed in this paper. To develop the best training design: learning strategies, learning outcomes and encoding meaningful information are important for the designer to consider model.htm Memory and Information Processing (Chapter 6) The way learners receive, store, integrate, retrieve, and use information is discussed. The act of recalling information facilitates higher order skills. Strategies are discussed for memory strengthening. Information Processing This link provides explanation of the information processing followed by a short quiz. Answers are also included. model.htm

3 Resources Three Stages of Memory Flow chart for the three stages of memory and a summary of the characteristics of each stage of memory. Online Teaching and Learning Strategies: An Experiential Exploration of Teaching, Learning and Technology Discusses humans as Information Processors: Cognition, Thought, Meaning, and Technology Mnemonic Techniques and Specific Memory “Tricks” Mnemonic techniques are memory aids. The techniques included in this article will facilitate rote memorization. The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information There are severe limitations on the amount of information that we are able to receive, process, and remember. By organizing stimulus input from the environment we are able to manage it. http://www/

4 Resources Using Instructional Design Principles to Amplify Learning on the WWW This site provides good strategies for on line learning. This is a knowledge base website that will provide links to memory, information processsing model. It also explains the six processes related to long-term memory: Rehearsal, meaningful learning, internal organization, elaboration, and visual imagery. Educational Psychology: A Practical Approach Chapter 6: Memory and Information Processing This link contains information from Psychology: a ConnecText, Fourth Edition By Terry F. Pettijohn “Learning Objectives and Chapter Summary Review” Use the link below to take you to The web site. Choose chapter 7, then scroll down to review exercises and select learning objectives and chapter summary review or select this link to go directly to the information. Learning Objectives and Chapter Summary Review

5 Resources Information encoded in long-term memory Select this link to view an excellent page and explanation for encoding. This resource comes from an actual power point presentation.

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