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9 Month Miracle. Month 1 Weeks 0-4  About 5-7 days after fertilization, implantation occurs.  The zygote begins to grow, doubling in size each day.

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1 9 Month Miracle

2 Month 1 Weeks 0-4  About 5-7 days after fertilization, implantation occurs.  The zygote begins to grow, doubling in size each day.  The placenta and umbilical cord begins to grow.  The amniotic sac protects the baby from bumps and pressure.

3 Month 1 Weeks 0-4  The baby will develop a spinal cord in which the vertebrae will begin to grow.  Nerve development will begin soon.  The heart begins to beat on day 25.

4 Month 1 Weeks 0-4 The embryo becomes 3 layers around 5 weeks. *The outer layer is brain, nerves, and skin. *The middle layer is bones, muscles, blood vessels, heart and sex organs. *The inner layer holds stomach, liver, intestines, lungs and urinary tract.

5 Month 1 Weeks 0-4 The weight is a fraction of an ounce. The length is about ½ inch or the size of a grain of rice.

6 Month 1 MOM At your first doctor (obstetrician) visit expect: pregnancy test (HCG) blood test (type and anemia) urinalysis (sugar, protein, WBC, bacteria) blood screens (rubella, STI’s) pap smear for cervical cancer possibly gestational diabetes testing

7 Month 1 MOM You may experience: fatigue/sleepiness frequent urination nausea/vomiting heartburn/indigestion food aversions/cravings mood swings

8 Month 2 Weeks 4-9  Development is very rapid during this time.  All major organs and body systems are developing.  Eyelids form and grow but remain sealed shut.  The inner ear is forming.  Ankles, toes, wrists, fingers and sex organs are developing.

9 Month 2 Weeks 4-9  At the end of month 2, the baby looks like a tiny human infant.  If it is a boy, the penis will begin to appear.  At this point the baby is a little over 1 inch long and weighs less than 1 ounce.  From this point on, the baby is called a fetus.

10 Month 2 MOM At your doctor’s visit they will: check height and weight blood pressure urine (sugar and protein) size of your uterus ask you for questions

11 Month 2 MOM You may be experiencing: “not feeling pregnant” yet feel very tired feel nausea/vomit constipated headaches/dizziness mood swings

12 Month 3 Weeks 9-13  The baby is completely formed by the end of this month.  The baby has begun to move but it is too early to feel it.  Fingers and toes are distinct with soft finger nails.  The head is large compared to the rest of the body

13 Month 3 Weeks 9-13  Hair might have started to grow on the baby’s head.  Tooth buds are formed under the gums.  Vocal cords start to develop.

14 Month 3 Weeks 9-13  The heart has 3 chambers and beats 120-160 beats per minute.  Kidneys are now developed and start draining urine  Intestines form outside the body because they cannot fit inside.

15 Month 3 Weeks 9-13 At the end of this month, the baby weighs just over 1 ounce and will be about 4 inches long.

16 Month 3 MOM At your visit this month, the doctor will check: weight blood pressure urine fetal heartbeat (can now be heard) size of uterus height of the fundus (top of the uterus)

17 Month 3 MOM  You may notice additional veins due to increased blood flow.  Your abdomen my appear larger.  You may feel fluttering movements (the beginnings of movement) along with jerking motions from hiccups.

18 Month 4 Weeks 13-18  The baby’s skin is pink and somewhat transparent.  Eyebrows and eyelashes appear in this month.  The head makes up about half of the baby’s size.  The baby now moves, kicks, sleeps, wakes, swallows, and passes urine.

19 Month 4 Weeks 13-18  You may start to feel slight sensations in your lower abdomen called quickening.  The baby is completely dependent on the umbilical cord and placenta for oxygen.  The sex organs are now formed.

20 Month 4 Weeks 13-18 The weight is about 6 oz or about ½ pound. The length is 8-10 inches.

21 Month 4 MOM  The obstetrician will check all the usual things.  You should be consuming between 2,000 and 2,700 calories per day.  You may begin to “feel pregnant” now and begin gaining weight.  Many of the 1 st trimester symptom will go away and be replaced with nasal congestion, bleeding gums and swelling.

22 Month 4 MOM  You may develop varicose veins and hemorrhoids.  Your emotions will still seem like they are on a roller coaster ride.

23 Month 5 Weeks 18-23  Finger nails have now gown to the end of the fingers.  Baby is storing fat for delivery.  The baby’s muscles are growing and getting stronger every day.

24 Month 5 Weeks 18-23 The baby sleeps and wakes at regular intervals. The baby is much more active now and have developed a lie. Movement is a good sign. It shows the nervous system is developing normally. The fetus now reacts to noise from the outside world.

25 Month 5 Weeks 18-23 At the end of month 5, the average length is 10-12 inches. At the end of month 5, the average weight is about 1 pound.

26 Month 5 MOM  check for the same things  lower abdomen achiness (from stretching ligaments in to support uterus)  leg cramps  increased heart rate  back ache  linea nigra and stretch marks

27 Month 6 Weeks 23-27  Skin is now wrinkled and red in color.  Baby is covered in vernix.  Baby is covered with lanugo.  The brain is developing rapidly.  Baby’s bones are becoming solid.

28 Month 6 Weeks 23-27  Meconium is developing.  Baby has special type of fat (brown fat) that keeps baby warm at birth.  Baby is fully formed and looks like a mini human.

29 Month 6 Weeks 23-27 The baby is around 11-14 inches in length and weighs about 1-1 ½ pounds

30 Month 6 MOM check weight, blood pressure, urine, fetal heartbeat, height of fundus, varicose veins…… also experience more fetal activity, heartburn, dizziness, bleeding gums, leg cramps, enlarged breasts and an itchy abdomen……

31 Month 7 Weeks 27-32  Eyes can now open and close and can sense light changes.  Baby can hear the outside world over your heart beat.  Baby is kicking and stretching.  Baby likes to suck it’s thumb.

32 Month 7 Weeks 27-32  The baby is approximately 15 inches long and weighs between 2 and 2 ½ pounds.  IF the baby was born now, chance of survival would be better.

33 Month 7 MOM Still checking weight gain, blood pressure, urine, fundal height, fetal heartbeat and any other questions.

34 Month 7 MOM  You and your partner should have started prenatal classes now.  You will begin going to the doctor every two weeks now.  You may experience shortness of breath and frequent urination.  You may have Braxton Hicks contractions.  Colostrum may leak from your breasts.  You may become bored and weary or apprehensive about your pregnancy.

35 Month 8 Weeks 32-36  Your baby is growing very quickly and getting cramped in the uterus.  Bones are getting stronger, limbs getting fatter, and skin has a healthy glow.  Taste buds are developing and baby can tell difference between sweet and sour.  There is an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid,

36 Month 8 Weeks 32-38 Your baby is almost ready to be born now. It is 16-18 inches long and weighs about 6 pounds at the end of this month.

37 Month 8 MOM The doctor will do the same things done in previous months.  At this point you will be feeling strong, regular fetal activity.  You may be able to see the outline of arms or feet in your stomach.  Braxton Hicks contractions will increase.  Your belly button may even begin to stick out

38 Month 8 MOM This is the time to ask your doctor any questions you have about labor and delivery. You are probably more than ready to have your baby. You are probably concerned about it’s health too.

39 Month 9 Weeks 36-40 Your baby is gaining about ½ pound per week.  Baby is getting fatter and skin becomes more smooth.  Hopefully the baby is in the fetal position.  The head is moving into the birth canal. This is called lightening.  Blood flow is steady through the umbilical cord keeping it taut.

40 Month 9 Weeks 36-40  The baby will not move as much because there is not as much room as before. Now it is more that wave movements in the stomach.  Your baby’s lungs are now developed and there is a great chance of survival.  The bones of the head have not fused together to make delivery easier.

41 Month 9 Weeks 36-40 The baby is about 20 inches long. The baby is about 7 ½ pounds.

42 Month 9 MOM  You will now be visiting the obstetrician weekly for the regular things.  Doctor will be checking the presentation of the baby (head and feet).  Doctor will be checking the position of the baby (facing front or back)  Doctor will check for effacement and dilation of the cervix.

43 Month 9 MOM  Doctor will discuss when to call him with labor pains (not Braxton Hicks)  Movement will change to squirming and rolling as opposed to kicking.  You will have increased backache, breathing and sleep problems  Good news---you will be able to breath easier

44 Month 9 MOM  Mom will experience lightening.  Mom will experience nesting.  Mom may become excited (it’s almost over), apprehensive (can I do this or do I want to do this) or irritable (just get it over with)  Remember to have your bag ready for the hospital---you never know!

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